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Old 11-07-2003, 05:53 PM   #1
AmeliaG should edit this
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Default Blue Blood is hiring:

Position #1
Director of Amelia's life

Okay, maybe I have lived in Los Angeles for too long if I feel that I need a personal assistant, but this city is like a virus and I think it infiltrates the fibers of your being to some extent, no matter how strong a personality and core sense of self you might have. I drove a rusty old Camaro when I moved here. And I loved that car.

A bunch of this will be telephone work, dealing with bookings and that sort of thing. You must be able to act like a normal person talking to rock stars and to girls you have seen naked pictures of.
Keeping track of my calendar, so I can ask you whether or not I have an evening free will be part of the job.
Reminding my ass of what I told you my priorities are will be part of it.
Going through my back catalog of model submissions and writer queries may be part of the job, depending on the background of who is selected.
Some hard goods order satisfaction will be involved.
The longer I am a webmaster, the less I like to leave the house. I have eaten my fill of all the delivery food places in Los Angeles. There will be some picking up stuff from restaurants, dry cleaning, post office, that sort of thing. Not a ton of this, but I need someone who will be okay with doing this stuff too.
Must be Los Angles-based.
Club promotion or door experience a plus.
Potential higher pay available for someone with ad sales experience.
Probable trips to conventions for the right candidate.
Please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won't tell who you work for now) with desired pay, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply.

Position #2
Director of Online Outreach

I really enjoy a bunch of the boards, but I've been spending a little too much time on them. I am looking for someone who can take a look at a number of the adult webmaster and music boards and similar, do some posting to promote and and and etc. and give me a series of links to threads I should check out personally. You will need to be witty, aware of pop culture, and thick-skinned.
This position will also include some interfacing with press folks, but training is an option for that.
Journal and ICQ experience is a plus.
Do not need to be Los Angeles-based.
Potential higher pay available for someone with extensive traffic experience.
Probable trips to conventions for the right candidate.
Please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won't tell who you work for now) with desired pay, a list of which business and consumer boards you currently post to, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply.

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Old 11-09-2003, 01:27 AM   #2
AmeliaG should edit this
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Additional Notes for Applying for Positions:

Please make sure to follow the application instructions and include the important info.

To be Director of Amelia's Life/Personal Assistant, please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won't tell who you work for now) with desired pay, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply. Additional note: Please state whether you have a reliable car for this position.

To be Blue Blood's Director of Online Outreach, please email Amelia at in confidence (i.e. I won't tell who you work for now) with desired pay, a list of which business and consumer boards you currently post to, why you are interested in the position, and any other experience you have which might apply.

If you are someone I talk to in person or on the phone (rare) or on ICQ anyway, it is fine to mention it if you have applied, but please apply via email with the information requested. I will also be offline shooting in Vegas and Portland and my ICQ regularly eats messages which come in when I am not logged into it, so don't be offended if I miss something. Hopefully, I will be able to fill both of these positions pretty quickly upon my return. A big thank you to everyone who has applied so far!

All right, I am off to finish packing and such for my trip. The packing won't be fun, but this trip is going to rock! Whoo-hoo!
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Old 11-10-2003, 01:50 PM   #3
Vid Vicious
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I'd like to apply as your pesonal assistant .. Maybe that way I can get myself to do my own laundry
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Old 11-10-2003, 03:18 PM   #4
Seven888 should edit this
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who ever gets either those positions I wish them the best

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