09-14-2003, 09:34 PM
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heh. Well.. I guess thats one of the advantages in living in a non-english speaking place 
You don't have to worry about the kids reading whats written on the shirt unless they are old enough to do so and therefore old enough to "know" 
However - I guess shouldn't go around with a pictorial TShirt 
09-15-2003, 04:20 AM
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Xited Frenchy
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Originally posted by Bruno Dickman
I´m wearing the Fastmanbucks today! "Are you laughing all the way to the bank??"
WTG Man!!!!

09-15-2003, 11:08 AM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Yay StacyCat!! That shirt has got to be one of the MOST comfortable shirts i have - its just the right size. Im trying to wheedle out the name of the co. that made them for SW. I want more!! hahahaha
I wear my porn shirts all the time - even out in public. Hell, I wore my pornkings shirt to disney the other day!! hahahahaha I dont really care - most of the time people will laugh or walk away - havent ever had anyone give me shit about it - but then, i dont have anyone to protect(kids) either.
Usually when im out with buran I wont wear em, cause he is uncomforable with it - but otherwise - no problem
Usually I wear my spread4u shirts out - gets the best reactions from people hehehehehe
I have had lots of people comment on my XNations shirt ... want to know what XNations is ... i just smile and say my favorite chat board!
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09-15-2003, 11:12 AM
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Originally posted by twinkley
Usually I wear my spread4u shirts out - gets the best reactions from people hehehehehe
Your also braver than I am!!!
09-16-2003, 01:05 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Hahahahahahah - yeah, but my dad almost had a heart attack when he saw me wearing it - he knows what i do, but was like "not everyone does!!!"
hehehehe im bad, i know
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
09-16-2003, 01:51 PM
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My roommate asked me for a white tshirt to wear yesterday so I gave him an old Bad Puppy shirt, he didn't know it was gay. He wore it all day long. I thought that was pretty amusing. hahaha
09-16-2003, 03:45 PM
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Citizen X
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I really have to be careful of that where I live now. Lots of really small retirement towns. If I still lived in Denver I wouldn't care so much. I love my T-shirts though. Here I even have to be very selective who I tell that I do porn sites.
<HR><BR><center<BR><OBJECT id="navbar" classid="clsid  27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
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09-16-2003, 04:54 PM
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I will not wear porn T-Shirts in public but I gave my neighbor a spread4u T-Shirt and he wears it to the gym! Hehe 
ICQ# 81820905
Aim LaurieX
09-16-2003, 05:35 PM
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I wear my porn t-shirts to work out in. Sometimes I'll go running and forget what I am wearing and then I'll realize why people are staring at my chest (no... not the man boobs) and looking at me with a smirk. I find that chicks love a sweaty guy wearing a tshirt advertising porn.
09-16-2003, 06:15 PM
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I like contraversy. It gives everyone something to talk about.
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09-16-2003, 09:53 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Originally posted by luke
My roommate asked me for a white tshirt to wear yesterday so I gave him an old Bad Puppy shirt, he didn't know it was gay. He wore it all day long. I thought that was pretty amusing. hahaha
wahahahahaha - thats hysterical ... i need to do that with my dilf shirt hahahahaha
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09-17-2003, 02:26 AM
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Hey, If I had say, a "Go Fuck Yourself" t-shirt, Darn rights I would go out with it on.
By the way, Does X Nations give out t-shirts too ?
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09-17-2003, 02:43 AM
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Originally posted by ScriptBall
Hey, If I had say, a "Go Fuck Yourself" t-shirt, Darn rights I would go out with it on.
By the way, Does X Nations give out t-shirts too ?
Yep  and nice ones for a change 
09-18-2003, 09:01 AM
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I wear mine now and then I don't really care what most people think. Most people close to me know aside from my family but then they think I'm the same person I was when I was about 12 years old  I don't visit much I'm afraid I will burst their bubble. laugh!
<a href="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/">
<img src="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/images/banners/mayhembutton.jpg"</a>
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09-18-2003, 03:39 PM
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WebcamCash made me Rich!
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I have a ton of pronshirts. The ones that sdnt cuase such a stir are the xnations, seg and xbiz ones. My xbiz one is wayyyyyy to big
I dont like the color of the pornojunkies one so I left a girlfreind have it.
THe new pornkings shirts rock! And the Eric nuts shirt always crack people up they are the ones from Drunk dollars.
They are xl and I have one left over for there is only 5 guys in our office. anyone?
The best on i saw is the privatefeeds ones in montreal. Fuck I cant rmember that they said now. shit it was funny thou
I think porncity has the best gear out there.
I get the best reaction from my hustler t shirt.
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
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09-18-2003, 06:53 PM
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Originally posted by XXXManager
Yep and nice ones for a change
Cool I better spend more time trying to get one then 
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09-19-2003, 04:25 PM
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ok. you arrirm my belifs 
Im going out with that shirt to a bar today
(its been more than a week, so its all washed up now  )
Lets see what the girls in the pub think about my TShirt and what will be thier reaction

09-20-2003, 04:38 AM
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Kitty's love slave :)
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I wear mine so often that I sometimes forget I have it on, a bit like sunglasses! 
09-23-2003, 03:26 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Originally posted by XXXManager
You are all going to the gym here fellas.
Am I the only slacker here?
Nope...I'm slackin too.
But, they are building a new gym in my town, so I will have one to join soon.
09-23-2003, 03:28 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Originally posted by ContentGuy Derek
I get the best reaction from my hustler t shirt.
Indeed you do, sweet.  Love it!
09-23-2003, 03:37 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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In my small southern town, I don't dare wear my obviously porn shorts in public. They'd run me outta town! LOL
09-23-2003, 09:12 PM
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Originally posted by Easton
i wear my TopBuck's MILF Seeker t-shirt at the grocery store to terrify soccer moms... it says "Warning: your mom could be next"
Yeah that would sure draw a lot of Attention!
I once whore a shirt which had " BLOW MY WHISTEL BITCH " on the back and it sure got a lot of Attention! 
Tell your Girl Friend - " I Said THANKS  " !!
09-24-2003, 11:37 AM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Hahahahahaha you know me ... do I LOOK like a gym person to you??? hahahahaha
There is ONE shirt i still cant not bring myself to wear in public ......
Its my XXXPressToys tee. I wear the one that just says Xxxpresstoys on it ... but the other one ... the forbidded one ... in big letters across the front says:
Just beggin for trouble there
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
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09-24-2003, 06:03 PM
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The Ghost With The Most!
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Originally posted by skillfull
you just make me remember that orgasmcash owe me a tshirt
Being sent this week
The new shirts rock. Everyone bugs me for these shirts.
I wear my shirts all over the place. Gotta work towards getting an xnations one though!

icq 345082771
aim DirtyOldDP
09-24-2003, 09:10 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Being sent this week
The new shirts rock. Everyone bugs me for these shirts.
I wear my shirts all over the place. Gotta work towards getting an xnations one though!
Hey there, cutie!
I'm glad I got the chance to meet you this past show in Florida. What a sweet guy.
Welcome to Xnations, btw. Hope to see you around more. 
09-25-2003, 02:05 AM
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The Ghost With The Most!
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Originally posted by taboo_gal
Hey there, cutie! 
I'm glad I got the chance to meet you this past show in Florida. What a sweet guy.
Welcome to Xnations, btw. Hope to see you around more.
Hey Sweetie!! Long time!!!

icq 345082771
aim DirtyOldDP
11-12-2003, 11:46 AM
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The Devil's Chasing Me
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Shit- I wore my 100% Negro t-shirt from ConsumptionJunction to the Martin Luther King Day parade in Atlanta. In fact I have to say my favorite T-shirt (one that I have on reserve to wear when answering the door when the Jehovah's Witnesses stop by) has "Smoke Crack and Worship Satan" emblazoned on the front of it.
So yes I am comfortable wearing any porn T-shirts.
11-12-2003, 02:36 PM
Vid Vicious
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I wore all my collegefuckfest.com teeshirts while in vancouver . I got some dirty looks but all in all the girls were always giggling and tellinfg me they really liked my tee shirts .. I can't talk about the rest cus there are some kiddies in the room
11-12-2003, 02:37 PM
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On a day pass...
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I love wearing my shirts out in public, and it's a great deal of fun to count how many people stare at me. Please keep in mind that I live in a small, southern, highly religious town. It's great fun when not only the rednecks but the little old ladies tell me I'm offensive. 
<a href="http://mensniche.com/join/hit.php?w=100939" target="blank"><img src="http://www.freakmanor.com/images/mn1.gif" border="0"><br>Ready to make some REAL money?</a><br>Men's Niche. Earn up to $100 per surfer. <br>Promote something unique that really SELLS. <center><font face=verdana<br><small>Open your eyes...open your mind.<br>169649237
11-12-2003, 03:08 PM
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Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Originally posted by Tala
I love wearing my shirts out in public, and it's a great deal of fun to count how many people stare at me. Please keep in mind that I live in a small, southern, highly religious town. It's great fun when not only the rednecks but the little old ladies tell me I'm offensive.
LMAO...You must be my neighbor!! 
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