Excuse me...excuse me!!! I would like ot point something out too.
Tobacco kills more everyday than Marijuana, right? Yup I do believe it! I do not smoke Marijuana cuz for some reason I was never able to get high.

A lil sad huh? Anyways, I do smoke cigarettes and I am sure I will die b4 someone who smokes weed. I don't know why ppl have to put ads like that on the web cuz really its false advertising. Marijuana is a gateway drug but if your smart and just stick to Marijuana I do believe you will be alright. What's wrong with something that makes ya happy?? If I was able to get high off it I would most likely be smokin some right now!

Well, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.... but I doubt it!

Please let me know if any of my facts are not true cuz I would like to make sure that I got them all straight.