Which domain to use? And some advice please. - X Nations
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Old 02-21-2004, 01:07 PM   #1
eMystic should edit this
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Default Which domain to use? And some advice please.

I've been collecting adult domain names with the goal of eventually building some adult sites. I want to do it this year, and I'd like some advice from the experienced on which one(s) you think would be most successful in attracting the target audiences's attention. The domain names are:


I'd also like some advice on what types of sites (niches), gay or straight, seem to be most productive, financially--that is if you care to share your thoughts. Also, which programs you recommend--which convert the best, which are most profitable.

Since I won't be actually producing any of the pictorial content myself, I could use some recommendations for getting good content. I'm starting out on a small budget.

Also, are there any sites that deal with the legal issues that one would have to contend with in building an adult site?

Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 02-21-2004, 06:59 PM   #2
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None of those are good type in Urls and a few are OK for branding.
I like SEXLISTER.COM as a linklist or "menu" to your niches.

I find that for me Gay Porn converts better than straight Porn and straight toys convert better than gay toys.

Step 1 Get a good host (see sig) NEVER USE FREE HOSTING

Step 2 Buy content. Free content never converts as well. Cheap overused or poor quality content does not convert well eother if the surfer has seen it a milion times.

Step 3 Learn about search engines BEFORE YOU EVEN BUILD YOUR FIRST PAGE. This will allow you to make more money faster and you will have to pay less to get traffic.

Step 4 Pick at least 3 or sponsors. They fold up, get caught cheating, conversion rates change, hosts go down, etc. Always have backups.

Step 5 Have your own urls to steer traffic to your sponsors. They fuck you or they go down and you can change your traffic flow in an instant without having to edit hudreds or thousands of pages.

Hit me up and mention you read this thread so I know its not spam and I will give you some real inside pointers.

By the way what is your budget? To be real and make real money (not beer money but a real living) it will cost you a few bucks and plenty of time to start.
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Old 02-21-2004, 11:08 PM   #3
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fannycams.com is a pretty decent domain. Will probably get some good SE traffic.

Our Experience Payze
chris at payze.com | ICQ 342827
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Old 03-16-2004, 04:55 AM   #4
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I think the following have potential in their perceived ethnicity/niches:


Since your budget is limited I suggest you pick the one that represents a niche you love. You are going to have to work really hard to make it pay for itself. Then reinvest that time, energy and money into the next and the next and so on until you have them all feeding into each other as well as sponsors/affiliates.

For hosting please consider:


- No price increase EVER!
- Affordable EXCELLENCE!
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Old 03-16-2004, 11:21 AM   #5
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I see lots of possibilities for these. Sexlister.com would make a great doorway to the others, LL, or TGP.

Others are definite niches.

Has anyone seen a trend for softcore/voyeur/flashing sites lately?

I think the market goes through its ups and downs for teasing and no penetration....
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