04-02-2004, 10:44 AM
Evil Chris
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New reality show - The Swan
Reality shows as we all know, are out of control now.
I pretty much stick to Survivor and (in the summer) Big Brother.
I've checked out a few others though. Fear factor isn't bad, but I'm not sure it's a reality show, more of a game show.
But now this new one "The Swan" has caught my eye. Basically they take what would normally be viewed as homely looking woman, and do a complete makeover on them to make them look like what society deems as "beautiful". Not just makeup either... platic surgery, dental work, everything...
What do you think of this? Is it something you agree/disagree with?
Are you going to watch the show?
04-02-2004, 11:12 AM
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It's hollywood coming to an average citizen near you!
I don't think there's wrong with beautification, if it makes them feel better about themselves then that's great!
oh and I think fear factor is my favorite amongst those shows you named although like you said it's not really reality it's more of a game show. The payout is way less as well. 
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04-02-2004, 12:03 PM
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Citizen X
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I don't think there's wrong with beautification, if it makes them feel better about themselves then that's great!
i agree...
but i don't like the promos for the swan...they call these women 'ugly ducklings' & then they say that even after the "transformation" they still might not be beautiful enough for the "beauty contest" at the end...hopefully, the women involved understand what they're gonna be subjected to, because it could end up being very traumatic...
i do love survivor though...& am sooooooo glad they booted off jerri last night...hehehe
04-02-2004, 12:39 PM
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These shows could not be further from "reality". I don't watch a lot of television but the proliferation of Hollywood stupidity is becoming remarkably mundane and an insult to intelligence. You have to take it for what it is, entertainment. The Swan indeed! LOL if those folks want some reality, I will offer my face and body with all ten chins and a beer belly that hangs to my toes and tell them to fix it! 
04-02-2004, 01:12 PM
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The only 'reality' show I enjoy now is The Apprentice.
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04-02-2004, 02:17 PM
Evil Chris
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Yeah it's true there isn't a whole lot of actual "reality" to these shows, except for maybe Big Brother... I dunno, some of the stuff that comes out of that show is pretty real.
Entertainment for sure... I don't care about the so called reality portion of it, if that's what they want to call it.
04-02-2004, 03:15 PM
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I reckon y'all should check out TRAILER PARK BOYS if ya wanna see a good som-bichin' reality show ...
It's shot on my childhood stompin' grounds ... hell I even gone drank some shine with them main fellas on it few times!!!

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04-02-2004, 03:21 PM
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It'll get the ratings. Makeovers work for talk shows. If they didn't, Oprah, Maurey, and Montel wouldn't be having them all the time.

04-02-2004, 04:20 PM
is Supreme Soul Rider
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I think I have seen about 13 min total of Trailer park boys and NO!!
No Stevo, No not for me, kudos to those who like..
I too like Survivor, The Apprentice (and I think this is reality based, I mean it is a real competition for a real job, but like fear factor and survivor more of a game.
The Bachalor, Average Joe, Playin it Str8, Eden etc those tyoes are as bad as the Stevo stuff IMHO.....
04-02-2004, 05:47 PM
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I'm pretty sure this isn't a reality show. A kick ass show nonetheless.
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04-03-2004, 09:41 AM
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I think out of all the "reality" shows The Apprentice has to be the best so far. However, have any of you seen "Family Business" on Showtime? (the reality show about the porn industry). I've actually really enjoyed it so far.. especially Adam's cousin Steve!
04-05-2004, 12:06 PM
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Here in Brazil we`ve ever had almost all kind of reality shows!
And some of them are very bad!


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04-05-2004, 11:11 PM
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To be honest the reality shows were nice... but now it seems hard to find a half good drama. I have managed to get totally hooked on 24!! and let me tell you it bets the hell out of anything else on TV.. period!
04-05-2004, 11:29 PM
is Travelling the
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I think it's gone too far! People are getting hurt and ridiculed and we're enjoying this! (I'm VERY guilty, I'm a HUGE survivor fan )
Perhaps it's a sign of the times that we viewers derive some sort of voyeuristic pleasure from peering into the private lives and struggles of others. Would viewers in the past... say the 1950's have gotten their "jollies" this way? I don't think so... We seem to have lost our discretion, integrity, and dignity. Sad, isn't it?"
I'm honestly worried as to what they're going to come up with next!
 I'm going to pass on The Swan!
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 
04-06-2004, 02:16 AM
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I find that Swan concept fucked up and oddly disturbing. I can't believe people want to change that much just to get some attention.
Oh ...but of course they did it for personal and self esteem reasons and not for anyone else.. 
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04-06-2004, 01:54 PM
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"The Swan"
I have to say....I am fed up with all this reality BS! But I'm really disgusted that our society has become nothing more than a slew of shallow, idealistic, silicone filled  , fat sucking robots that only seem to base a person's value and importance on how they look "physically".
This is nothing more than a show to make those "insecure" women that AREN'T fortunate enough to be a part of "The Swan" even more frustrated and disgusted, that they will FOREVER be forced to look the way they look.
These shows are not helping those with self esteem, ugly duckling syndrom etc...You are merely satisfing the FEW people that are fortunate enough to be selected for the show, by awarding them an extrodinary opportunity they otherwise could probably NEVER $$$ afford to do on their own.
What about the rest of the less fortunate people that just have to sit on the sidelines and watch these transformations???!!! I don't consider this entertainment....I consider it...yet another show "rubbing it in your face"....what you "have or don't have or will never have"!
EVERY reality show I have seen....ends up coming down to ONE thing, and one thing only......SEX Appeal! Who can act, dress and gesture the biggest whore  ! That seems to be the deciding factor that wins out and is you only chance of getting any vote.
How f***king pitful that the world has come to this standard of value!
I TOTALLY agree with Magnus3x, does ANYone else agree with this?
04-06-2004, 02:11 PM
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Personally, I think the pundits in hollywood and new york have lost all remnants of their integrity and ethics in their pursuit of the nonsense that has become known as REALITY TV! They hide behind entertainment and prostitute virtually everything a sane and thinking person would consider an afront to sensibility. At least, those of us who are in the adult entertainment industry are unabashed at what we present. It is open and it is designed on a take it or leave it basis. Those so-called executives are whores beyond anything our industry could produce.
As society attempts to do away with biased humanity (viz-a-vis - racism, sexism) those fools sit in their little protected "cells" and project images to the young impressionable audiences that fat ugly people are to be mocked but if we give them enough money they might attain some level of attractability to the opposite sex. It doesn't matter whether it is The Swan or Average Joe or Survivor (a programme by the way that is the most blatant sale of sexuality) they are serving up wanton sex. If we were to remove "minor" controls from our sites we would be in deep shyte, and yet they can put bare ass sexuality in prime time and are not questioned.
One does have to laugh at today's society! 
04-06-2004, 02:14 PM
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Re: "The Swan"
Originally posted by Vanessa
I TOTALLY agree with Magnus3x, does ANYone else agree with this?
I'm sorry but I just couldn't help but find it funny that you have 3 posts and they're all in triplicate in this thread. LOL!
I'm not poking fun at you in any way I just found it really funny.
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04-07-2004, 11:40 AM
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Originally posted by Magnus3x
I find that Swan concept fucked up and oddly disturbing. I can't believe people want to change that much just to get some attention.
Oh ...but of course they did it for personal and self esteem reasons and not for anyone else..
I completly agree. One thing is improving your self with highlights, makeup, or nice clothes....but whenyou have to completly redo yoursel with plascti surgery that's SICK! This is happeninga ll over the world, in South America, I see so many girls with Breast and butt implants...it's the newest Huge thing!  I think it's all a lack of self esteem, and getting your fat sucked out, big boobs,isn't going to resolve your self esteem problem. Beauty comes in so many shapes, sizes,c olors, I don't know why people aren't happy with what they have, or strive to be something they aren't.....to me it's all psychological, and no matter how much lipo, implants they get, they will always suffer!
04-08-2004, 05:28 PM
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The Swan...to Sweet 7
LOL....Hi Sweet 7....
I didn't realize I had 3 identical posts until after the fact. Actually, I think I kept editing it....and it got posted in error that way. Therefore, the last entry is most complete.
This is my first time on this site and thier board was a little confusing. I didn't realize with each click....I was posting the same message over.....and over....etc... at first. None the less....I guess you could say I have have strong opinions on "The Swan".
Guess what I WON'T be watching tonite?!
 That's "The Swan" in a nutshell!!! 
04-08-2004, 06:53 PM
Black Dog
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Originally posted by southernplatinum
they call these women 'ugly ducklings' & then they say that even after the "transformation" they still might not be beautiful enough for the "beauty contest" at the end...
i do love survivor though...& am sooooooo glad they booted off jerri last night...hehehe
I agree. These women must already have low self esteem if they volunteered for the show. What will happen is one of them feel better about herself, and the rest will feel even worse when they lose the beauty contest at the end.
P.S. I hate Jeri too but Lex is CRAZY for not voting off Amber.
04-08-2004, 07:25 PM
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so did anybody catch The Swan yesterday?
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04-08-2004, 09:18 PM
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Originally posted by Black Dog
P.S. I hate Jeri too but Lex is CRAZY for not voting off Amber.
I am so mad at LEX for not voting out Amber! They are letting Rob control them!
Originally posted by sweet7
so did anybody catch The Swan yesterday?
I did, I feel bad that these women have to go to this extreme to feel happiness out of completly changing who they are....but after watching that last night, I realized...damn it, let them do as they please. Their damn sad life not mine! 
04-08-2004, 09:33 PM
is Travelling the
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What's REALLY sad is that children are starving and dying, while millions of dollars are being spent on plastic surgery and props for that show! 
04-08-2004, 10:00 PM
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
What's REALLY sad is that children are starving and dying, while millions of dollars are being spent on plastic surgery and props for that show!
That's true but at the same time I would think that it is better to spend that money to make someone happy and let them enjoy a better quality of life because of it than giving them prizes simply because they guessed the right price of a toaster oven or any other appliance or better yet, guessed what consonant was missing to complete the puzzle.
Sorry for the runon sentence.
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ICQ: 282814268
04-09-2004, 11:10 AM
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Originally posted by Funbrunette
What's REALLY sad is that children are starving and dying, while millions of dollars are being spent on plastic surgery and props for that show!
I totally agree with you Funbrunette, the money could have helped the third world countries right now!
I'm guilty of watching "the swan" myself, and I feel sorry that these people couldn't find a way to cope with their appearance and learn to love the way they have evolved. However, we aren't them, and can not imagine the many nights they cry themselves to sleep. Let's just hope that despite their appearance change, their inner beauty that was said to exist..remains!
04-09-2004, 08:26 PM
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I didnt see it & I dont know if I want to see it the idea is life changing however it is a bit of a waste of time, money, & medical technology. I bet the personalities on this show will go though many different stages I just hope these people dont forget who they once were.
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