New version of GS Submission, professional submitter, was released - X Nations
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Old 04-16-2004, 05:48 AM   #1
GS Submission
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Citizen X
Join Date: Mar 2004
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Post New version of GS Submission, professional submitter, was released

New version of GS Submission, professional TGP and LL submitter, was released!

Brief list of changes and new features:

+ Added the submit page preloading in the submitter's manual queue.
+ Now it's available to examine your submission results during the submission and after its completion. You can set up parameters of the results processing at the Result Groups tab, which placed at the Knowledge Base panel.
+ Added the automatic image loading in the forms for the manual queue.
+ All pages on the History panel are distributed to the groups, depending on submit pages or result pages content.
+ Improved base updating via Internet. Added feature that allows you to avoid modifying of the knowledge base and removing of pages.
+ Changes on the Profiles panel. Now you can specify SMTP/POP3 ports. Added a new filter for work with TGPs, that support partner accounts. Added automatic Category field sorting and other fields of Select type.
+ The handling of "radio button" and "check box" fields has been completely made over.
+ Posting to the linklists: added the function of copying specified files to the site subdirectories while generating.
+ Added the new handy function to the Utilities menu - Internet Cache Cleaner. It's intended to clean out the Internet Explorer temporary files.
+ Added base backup while using Save command.

Full list of changes you can find here -

New bases were added:
+ Movies TGP (577 pages).
+ Hardcore LL (402 pages).
+ Amateur LL (383 pages).
You can download new bases from the customer section of our website.

Remember that we have lowered our prices since March and now monthly fee is $40, pay per post is $0.5 !
More information here -

About the GS Submission

GS Submission is intended for automatic gallery and site submission to TGP (Thumbnail Gallery Post) and linklists. Program fill up HTML-forms with user's data (including complicated and multi-level ones) and recognize most of submit codes (passphrases), acting as a real human!

You can make your own submit base or edit built-in ones. Also you can create a base for the specific purpose - e.g. base for web boards posting.

Program includes gallery/site generator and learnable confirmer.

Full list of the GS Submission features you can find at our website -

Good luck!
__________________ - Professional Submission Tool
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