06-07-2004, 10:57 AM
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I'm getting sick of this thread.
I see it everywhere...
06-07-2004, 01:22 PM
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Originally posted by Nano
I'm getting sick of this thread.
I see it everywhere...
Don't blame you. Hmm. I wonder if every time someone posts, if it will autopost it again in between. Let's see ...
Btw, "Messenger" no one gives a damn about dufus boy except you and dufus boy. Get a life.
Pssst. Got Non-Adult sites?
Keep looking here.
06-07-2004, 01:24 PM
Evil Chris
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I had to also remove a double post.
Lawrence, if you cannot post like a normal person you won't be posting at all around here. Knock off the huge text sizes as well.
06-08-2004, 01:52 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Your performance on The Darren Austin Show was hideous. You backstabbed the very people that tried to help you.
You will get no more of my time or attention. I will however be there to right the wrongs that come out of your dirty little mouth.
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
06-08-2004, 02:22 PM
Evil Chris
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I may be wrong, but it's an impression that myself and a few others have had that Lawrence Connor possibly has some sort of social or psychological disability.
If this can be confirmed, is he really someone who should be put under lights in our industry for entertainment or ridicule?
06-08-2004, 02:25 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by twinkley
Your performance on The Darren Austin Show was hideous. You backstabbed the very people that tried to help you.
You will get no more of my time or attention. I will however be there to right the wrongs that come out of your dirty little mouth.
I miised the show twink .. do explain please ...
06-08-2004, 02:35 PM
Platinum Moe
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I may be wrong, but it's an impression that myself and a few others have had that Lawrence Connor possibly has some sort of social or psychological disability.
If this can be confirmed, is he really someone who should be put under lights in our industry for entertainment or ridicule?
Well Chris, you may be right. He may have some kind of disability or something like that.
But I don't think he should be put under lights for and kind of entertainment, ridicule or scrutiny.
Personally I just wish this guy would just go away. And in the future I will not participate in any more threads that have anything to do with Lawrence Connor.
Sorry Chris I don't mean to rant on you, actually I should be thanking you for this opportunity to vent. I am just getting fuckin sick and tired or hearing and seeing his name popup all over the boards.
06-08-2004, 02:39 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I may be wrong, but it's an impression that myself and a few others have had that Lawrence Connor possibly has some sort of social or psychological disability.
If this can be confirmed, is he really someone who should be put under lights in our industry for entertainment or ridicule?
Confirmed !
Chris you are so right .. IHMO lawrence does not have the .. ewhat we call .. "the Social Skills" for the Ponr industry .. he was completely dumb struck by myself and Lanni Barbie , His Comprehention level was that of a young child ... I repeatly asked him if he understood and new what he had gotten himself into .. Before and during the live event .. If there was an audio stream during the live event you would of heard me asking him his name, if he was aware of his surroundings and if he understood what was about to happen to him (get fucked up the ass) ... Even after the live event .. I took him aside and explained to him what had just occurred, asked him if he was aware of the scene that just went on .. and if he needed any medical attention ...
His Relese form was explained to him verbally and was recorded. I made every possible attempt to allow him to back out of the live event .. explaining that it's ok to change your mind and that I always have a back up for such an occurance.
About the preformance:
Lawrence was unable to keep a Hard-on for more then a second or two ... also his phisical appearance isn't that of a sex entertainment preformer. His stamina is non exsisting. and his girth is, ... well to put it politly Non-exsisting.
A future in the adult world as a preformer is not in the cards for mr. Connor.
Our Main preforming Talent the Lovely penthouse pet Lanni barbie had also refused to act in the live event after spending the day with mr connor. He's not all there you see. and we felt that he didn't have a greasp on what was gonna happen to him .. and even though He was tested for HIV and other sexually transmitted deseases .. after spending time with him, our female preformer didn't feel that she felt safe with him .. Hense the Latex Panties with the cock holster .. and also the reason a condom was used during the oral session of the event.
Larwence I'm sotrry to burst your bubble . but as a professional pornographer, I must be honest and tell you .. Look for an other JOB .. you promised me that you would lay off the Internet Webmaster side after this event .. and well you didn't .. so now I am standing up and letting everybody know the truth ... you just can't cut it as a male preformer sorry.
06-08-2004, 02:44 PM
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Originally posted by twinkley
You will get no more of my time or attention. I will however be there to right the wrongs that come out of your dirty little mouth.
Twinkley, I love you so much!!! You are like the superhero of the porn industry. We need to get you a cute spandex outfit and cape like ElectroWoman! See you in Sandy Eggo! 
06-08-2004, 02:54 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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Okay, so here is the scoop
I do not know whether or not lawrence has any kind of physical/emotional/mental disability. I would not even want to speculate at this point.
What I DO know is that he went on DAS (darren austin show) claiming that no one informed him of the ahem ... anal clause in his contract, that the terms of the contract changed after he signed it, that he didnt know what he was getting into, that no one communicated with him etc etc etc. Basically, he made it all out to be a big trick .... that everyone was in on but him.
Anyone who has been listening to YNOTRADIO over the last ... what ... 6 months? 8 months? Knows this is totally false. Lawrence was repeatedly told what he would have to do, and what the consequences were if he didnt live up to his end of the bargain. I made sure this was known to those in the chat, and darren did an AWESOME job of posing the other side on the air. This is not how any of the people involved do biz and we all know it.
I have to run now - im guest hosting on The Porn Professors today, but I will be back with more on this subject after the show. I am completely disgusted with the backstabbing way Lawrence handled this interview, and will no longer support him in any way in this industry.
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
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06-08-2004, 02:57 PM
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I don't really know who this guy is, cause everytime I see a post from LC I skip it because it is always a stupid comment from his part...
I prefer abstinence !
06-08-2004, 02:59 PM
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I'm also tired of hearing about this guy. Unfortunately, TheMessenger will never see this thread, because he never returns to read them or follow up.
06-08-2004, 03:17 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by twinkley
Okay, so here is the scoop
I do not know whether or not lawrence has any kind of physical/emotional/mental disability. I would not even want to speculate at this point.
What I DO know is that he went on DAS (darren austin show) claiming that no one informed him of the ahem ... anal clause in his contract, that the terms of the contract changed after he signed it, that he didnt know what he was getting into, that no one communicated with him etc etc etc. Basically, he made it all out to be a big trick .... that everyone was in on but him.
Anyone who has been listening to YNOTRADIO over the last ... what ... 6 months? 8 months? Knows this is totally false. Lawrence was repeatedly told what he would have to do, and what the consequences were if he didnt live up to his end of the bargain. I made sure this was known to those in the chat, and darren did an AWESOME job of posing the other side on the air. This is not how any of the people involved do biz and we all know it.
I have to run now - im guest hosting on The Porn Professors today, but I will be back with more on this subject after the show. I am completely disgusted with the backstabbing way Lawrence handled this interview, and will no longer support him in any way in this industry.
What the Fuck!!!!!! .. That little lying bastard! .. He knew about the assfucking months before the actual event .. it had been posted on the website before he ever signed the contract .. he very well knew what was gonna happen, the person in charge of this made it very clear to me and him what was gonna transpire .. That little shit .. well you aLL KNOW i won't be as polite to this littel dick worm any longer .. thanks twink . I'm gonna head over to the porn proff now
06-08-2004, 03:51 PM
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I just shit myself!
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Wait let me get this right! LC is saying he didn't know about the anal clause? WHAT THE FUCK EVER!
He came on the Darren Austin show when I hosted it and said not only this time he would suck a dick if he can't perform but that he would do it better then a porn star!
He's OUT - He's Retarded and what's more he's a POSER!
Lawrence Conner - FUCK YOU!
Disclaimer: Sorry to Chris and the other members for my language he just pisses me off!
06-08-2004, 04:06 PM
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Removed by request of the poster.
Last edited by wsjb78; 06-10-2004 at 01:43 PM.
06-08-2004, 04:45 PM
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Pillow Talk Pimpette
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I want to thank TheLegacy and Vid for coming on ThePornProfessors today. You guys are a class act all the way!
Obviously they didnt teach LC in the military "you dont bite the hand that feeds you"
He has managed to alienate just about everyone that gave him a chance.
Congrats LC, you managed to do something that very few in this industry have ... turned everyone against you.
I have said all I am going to about this person. I want nothing more to do with him.
I'm looking for dating and cam traffic - if you have it - hit me up!
Media Buyer For DatingGold!
06-08-2004, 10:17 PM
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Sounds like hes got everything he deserved
sorry you guys wasted so much time on him
06-08-2004, 10:52 PM
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Queen Bish
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ugh will this guy EVER go away?!
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
06-09-2004, 12:08 AM
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will this guy EVER go away?!
He WILL go away if people
- Stop having him appear on radio shows
He gets banned, or people just move his threads right to the trash or spam forums
People stop posting in threads such as this one
People actually use the "ignore user" option
But people won't do these things. It's so great to give this guy attention in various ways for various reasons.
- Lets have LC as a guest and see how many people log in and then we can all talk about what he said
Lets keep this thread in the main forum so the drama begins
Lets join in a thread about LC and get sig views and be in the "cool crowd" for bashing this guy
and so on, and so on, and so on...
He's using people as much as he's being used. We all know he's annoying. This was said. That was said. These things don't really matter. If people simply ignore him, he will disappear. If you choose not to ignore the guy, then be prepared to continue being annoyed.
People have mentioned all kinds of things concerning his mentality and ability to understand. The thing is, when people are mentally challenged on various levels and one spends time with them, it becomes obvious. Even if the guy is unstable, it will show when spending any considerable amount of time with them. People didn't hesitate to use him for various agenda's, even though he may or may not have mental issues. Then these same people bitch because LC is LC. It's really sad.
Whenever he posts here, I simply delete or move the thread. (I didn't in this one because EC had warned him and I just figured that would be it. ) Whenever he posts on other boards, I simply don't open the thread. Why can't other people do this? But, I guess it is more fun to bitch about the guy and his habits.
Think of it this way. Everyone knows if you feed a stray cat, the cat will return everyday religiously to get the food. You suddenly stop feeding the cat, and in time, the cat will go away.
06-09-2004, 11:39 AM
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B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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Originally posted by Panky
Think of it this way. Everyone knows if you feed a stray cat, the cat will return everyday religiously to get the food. You suddenly stop feeding the cat, and in time, the cat will go away.
Well, with that being said ... leave those 3 kittens outside alone !!
(they were cute as fuck when we moved in, but they are almost full sized now, and major scavengers! People who release kittens to fend for themselves should be charged !!!)
OK ... that is my rant for the day 
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06-09-2004, 11:40 AM
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B-B-B-B-Bad to da Bone !!
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BTW ... once again you make too much sense with your post
well said hun!
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06-10-2004, 09:47 AM
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I do hope that one day, that lawrence will realize that his enthusiasm has hindered his ability to make a sound decision - since it appears to me that he is grasping at straws by attacking the very team who gave him a chance. My hope is that this is a marketing gimmick of some sort, but as far as him returning in any capacity to pornstaru.com is no longer in my hands since I left the company.
Lawrence your on your own now, and you recent acts have dismissed you from my interest in helping you. Once YNOTBob and others hear of your recent antics, it will be up to them as to whether they wish to help you reach your dream after you have verbally attacked his best friends.
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