Celebrate the birth of America by getting a great content deal - X Nations
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Old 06-22-2004, 11:13 PM   #1
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Citizen X
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Arrow Celebrate the birth of America by getting a great content deal

We have two huge specials at Pix-Mart in celebration of the 4th of July, but only until midnight on the Fourth so hurry and get yours right away! Celebrate the birth of America by blowing up a small part of it (with fire crackers of course ), then get some incredibly discounted content to boot!

Multi-Pack Discount:
We have all of our Multi-Packs on sale for 25% off the original price. That means you can get shitloads of pix for less than half a cent each! All of our Multi-Packs are three CD bundles which means you get at least 11000 individual images with each purchase. From now until midnight of the 4th of July you can get any of these huge bundle deals for only $74.99 each!

Mega Huge Pack Discount:
The grand daddy of all of our products, the Mega Huge Pack is also slashed to the bone. Over 125,000 that's right, over one hundred and twenty five THOUSAND images and hours of videos are included in this package for only $199.99! We are almost giving away these high quality pictures at less than 1/4 of a cent each so what are you waiting for... get one now!

let me know if you have any questions cuz i will be watching this thread like a hawk till independance day
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