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Old 07-19-2004, 09:10 PM   #1
facialfreak should edit this
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Unhappy I hope y'all had a better weekend than I did

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Old 07-19-2004, 10:48 PM   #2
sweet7 should edit this
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at least you had nacho cheese
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Old 07-20-2004, 02:24 AM   #3
ocho-ocho should edit this
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Originally posted by sweet7
at least you had nacho cheese

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Old 07-20-2004, 06:38 PM   #4
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by ocho-ocho
One day, a friend of mine swallowed a little buzz pill. He was doing that kind of trip on a more or less daily basis.

On that day, he got illuminated: he was a shaman, and that there was someone in town that needed to be exorcised urgently.

So he found himself a feather, a headband, a hatchet and a wool blanket , dressed up an an indian, make-up-feather-and all, and took off, on foot, for downtown. Now, that's a four-five hours walk.

He saw cars parked, and tried doors. One car door opened but he did not find keys inside the car. OTOH, he found a small crucifix on a chain. He tried to use is as a key but it did not work. Being very religious, he then felt intense guilt at the sacrilegeous act he had just commited.

But... he had to exorcise someone, business had to be done.

So he kept walking up until he saw two police cars parked beside a college (that's one of their local hang-out parking spot.)

He knocked on the window of one of the car, and very polite, he explained that it was an emergency, that he had to go perform an exorcism session, that a soul was at stake.

The cops thought he wanted to piss them off, but they were tolerant.

He was utterly pissed off at being brushed off like that, so he started to yell at them, pulled out his hatchet and started to dance an indian war dance and curse ritual around the cop car, yelling, shouting and jumping, waving his hatchet in the air.

The cops were too busy picking up their lower jaw from the car floor to do anything.

After his circling of the cop car a few times, the passenger side cop started to yell at him and menace him but the driving cop acted very nicely toward him, telling his colleage to wait and told him "We've reconsidered, we believe you, you know the dance, you must be a real shaman, so there must be a real emergency, so we'll help you save this soul." My friend was glowing, thanking the cops profusely and jumped in the cop car.

He gave the adress where he was due to perform the exorcism.

The cops, while talking to him and distracting him, drove him to the nearest psychiatric hospital where was hospitalized for a several weeks, up until he got weaned from the little magic pills he was taking and stabilized from his highly psychotic episodes.

He told me the story a year after it happend; he was very grateful to the cop for having understood the nature of the situation.
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