Hypnosis...Does it really work? - X Nations
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Old 08-13-2004, 11:06 AM   #1
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Default Re: Hypnosis...Does it really work?

Hi FB =)

You might just fall asleep or you might giggle the whole way through. If you are payng for it then, try to use the time to relax and find the peace within.
Would be interesting to read how it turns out for you!

Myself, only once I had been so stressed that I needed to work through some of the reasons for having anxiety panic attacks some years ago. From what I was told after I had to be woken instantly due to some experiance I must have unleashed and that I had become emotional and was also told that I had been extreamly vilent throughout most of the ordeal.
I had awaken, and still to this this day I do not know what went on. My parents have never told me. All I do know is that the anxiety and panic has dropped to a all time low and I am really starting to live a more happier life.

In saying this, I do beleive that there is a place where some people find peace and some, well ....

You will have a blast....

All I can say now is fuck. deep breath...
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