10-23-2004, 10:34 PM
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Premiere 6.x tutorial ?
I bought that cam, a Canon Optura 10 store brand new and guaranteed (not a demo) for about 345$ US.
I now need to learn how to use Premiere 6.x. Anyone knows of a good online tutorial ?
10-23-2004, 11:53 PM
Mister X
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There's lots of tutorials but basically there aren't any free ones. Check Lynda.com and look on adobe's website for the few links that might be free. There's a whole industry based on tutorials/training for Adobe and Macromedia products.
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10-24-2004, 05:29 AM
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Just found this url.. neatimage.com/howtos.html
not sure it helps fully, but it looks like it has some settings and shows
different picture outcomes based on the settings marked.
Hope all is well with you.
10-24-2004, 10:14 PM
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Then, I'd rather have a good book suggested to me.
I prefer books to online tutorial anyway.
10-24-2004, 10:44 PM
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Squirrels are admins too!
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This is by far the best resource I have found to date, not only are the tutorials well done, they are in video themselves and you can ask any questions on the user forums. This is an online tutorial like no other.
<embed src="http://banners.videosz.com/webmasters/flash/120x60-1.swf" quality=high WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" menu="false" FlashVars="link=http%3A%2F%2Fwebmasters.videosz.co m%2Findex.php%3Fwebmaster_id%3D81"></embed>
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10-25-2004, 02:01 AM
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Thanks, these are pretty nice !
10-25-2004, 05:13 AM
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Citizen X
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Do you mean Adobe Premiere, the video editing prog?
Isn't the Canon cam you speak of a Still Cam?
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10-25-2004, 05:22 AM
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I like the product specs on amazon, looks like it has included still memory: 8 MB SD Card.
10-25-2004, 10:05 AM
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Originally posted by Feynman
Then, I'd rather have a good book suggested to me.
I prefer books to online tutorial anyway.
I don't know if SAMS has any books on Adobe
but I find their computer books to be really good.
They put out those teach yourself in 24 hour type books.
I like them because they give you the info you need in a quick manner.
Hope they have a book on what you need
10-25-2004, 03:30 PM
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THe cam is a mini DV.
And yeah, the 8mb card is HUGE, ain't it? Room to store at least one and a half picture!
I don't plan to use the still feature of the cam for production anyway, preferring the Canon 10D for that job...
But it's handy if you want to take a handy snap of a scene for documentation purposes.
10-25-2004, 09:09 PM
Mister X
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Originally posted by sweet7
This is by far the best resource I have found to date, not only are the tutorials well done, they are in video themselves and you can ask any questions on the user forums. This is an online tutorial like no other.
Great link. I wish I had found that site when I was banging my head against the wall learning Premiere!
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10-25-2004, 09:12 PM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Feynman
Then, I'd rather have a good book suggested to me.
I prefer books to online tutorial anyway.
Try here. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyT...764542265.html
It's not that cheap a book but very good. And it's big enough to use as a weapon, hehe.
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10-25-2004, 09:44 PM
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Squirrels are admins too!
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Originally posted by Mister X
Great link. I wish I had found that site when I was banging my head against the wall learning Premiere!
That's exactly how I found it, banging my head against the wall for a few days and then came the clarity or wrigleyvideo! 
<embed src="http://banners.videosz.com/webmasters/flash/120x60-1.swf" quality=high WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60" menu="false" FlashVars="link=http%3A%2F%2Fwebmasters.videosz.co m%2Findex.php%3Fwebmaster_id%3D81"></embed>
ICQ: 282814268
10-25-2004, 11:57 PM
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Yeah, well, Wiley is one of my favorite editor. They usually produce excellent and concise textbooks.
But I never squirm about the price of a good book. I've lost enough time with badly written textbooks to know... I like Chapters for that. I pick up a dozen books on the subject and browse them extensively before ...
...taking note of the title and ordering them from amazon.ca . :-)
When I like a book, the price is no object. Saving a few bucks and loosing umpteen number of hours to a badly written textbook is not my idea of fun.
BTW, one of the best book of all about cinematography is
Cinematography by K. Malkiewicz. It's small but very good. Made for cinema, they do not talk at all about video, only film production, but still, the basic principles of lighting and everything else are there. And it's inexpensive. It's old but still considered the bible of film making 101.
It takes time to obtain it so I ordered it used and got it in ten days for about 20 bucks.
BTW, I have Première 6.5 . Is there a big difference between 6.5 and Pro ?
10-27-2004, 01:24 AM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Feynman
Yeah, well, Wiley is one of my favorite editor. They usually produce excellent and concise textbooks.
But I never squirm about the price of a good book. I've lost enough time with badly written textbooks to know... I like Chapters for that. I pick up a dozen books on the subject and browse them extensively before ...
...taking note of the title and ordering them from amazon.ca . :-)
When I like a book, the price is no object. Saving a few bucks and loosing umpteen number of hours to a badly written textbook is not my idea of fun.
BTW, one of the best book of all about cinematography is
Cinematography by K. Malkiewicz. It's small but very good. Made for cinema, they do not talk at all about video, only film production, but still, the basic principles of lighting and everything else are there. And it's inexpensive. It's old but still considered the bible of film making 101.
It takes time to obtain it so I ordered it used and got it in ten days for about 20 bucks.
BTW, I have Première 6.5 . Is there a big difference between 6.5 and Pro ?
There is some difference... mainly the pro version comes with Main Concept's mpeg encoder bundled (a light version) and there is real-time preview rendering for most transitions and effects. Of the 2 I don't like the Main Concept encoder I prefer Canopus Procoder. But the realtime preview is a must have.
Those are the 2 main differences but there are a few smaller differences and improvements also. The titler is improved, etc. Rendering speed for dv output has increased.
Now that I think of it the preview might have been in 6.5 but it is basically a worthwhile upgrade for the other stuff.
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