absolute worst day ever - X Nations
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Old 11-15-2004, 06:48 AM   #1
biznatch should edit this
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Default absolute worst day ever

Hey everyone, please read this and do not believe this to be a lie or i am making it up, everything i say can be proved.
My wife and i have just expeirenced the worst day ever, my wife is due to have our second baby within the next 10 days and tonight we went to my fathers for dinner, my father lives in the next town over so we were gone for a while, 4 hours or so. Anyways we put our other son Ethan in the car and drove home afterwards. Once we got home we walked into our house to find that we had been robbed, and i mean really robbed, my wife and i live in low income housing because it is very cheap and we do not declare my income so they only take 30% of her earnings and she is on E.I. since she is pregnant. The extra money we save we put towards a brand new computer that cost me 2k only 3 days ago and we had been buying alot of stuff for the baby. this is what was stolen all together.. My new computer with 17inch lcd flatscreen, my second 15inch lcd flat screen, my brand new logitech speakers, 2 dvd players, our entire dvd collection of 200+ dvds many which were my 2 year olds dvds, my fuji digital camera and printer, the gifts i bought for my stepmother and father for xmas, and my lock box that had $1500 cash in it that i was saving to take my wife to Vegas in january as a break from the kids and her pregnancy since it has not been the smoothest pregnancy for her, but the one thing i could not undestand was that they took was my wifes maternity bag that she had prepared for when it was time to go to the hospitol. Whos steals a maternity bag??? my wife was so distraught that she started shaking and she even puked on the floor.

Rodney Scott

Refer to pink post below

Last edited by Panky; 11-15-2004 at 04:49 PM.
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Old 11-15-2004, 07:06 AM   #2
monaro should edit this Edit
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Rodney, that is shocking. What are you planning on doing?

That site didn't already sell from this post you made 10-08-2004 http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?threadid=9236
And inside that post you stated that it came with an "2. affiliate program"

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Old 11-15-2004, 07:12 AM   #3
monaro should edit this Edit
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Also, how is that board you started comming along? The one you wanted mods for?

Either way I hope things turn out for you.
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Old 11-15-2004, 08:24 AM   #4
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OMG! I'm so sorry to read this...It's not easy reading that a fellow webmaster is in trouble!

Keep your chin up, I'm sure things will get better!
Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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Old 11-15-2004, 10:25 AM   #5
oceania should edit this
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that is tragic
truly sorry for your misfortune
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Old 11-15-2004, 10:50 AM   #6
sweet7 should edit this
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sorry to hear about that Biznatch, hope everything works out for you
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Old 11-15-2004, 04:53 PM   #7
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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That is horrible! I couldn't imagine what that must feel like knowing someone was in your house. Then to find things missing yet. I'd completely freak out. I wish all the best to you guys in getting past this.

**In light of your situation, if you would like to make a one time announcement about your software, you have our permission to create a seperate post. By making a seperate post, you have the potential to gain a lot more exposure and increase your credibility. The focus of the post would be your software, instead of mixing more than one issue.**
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Old 11-15-2004, 05:49 PM   #8
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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Man I'm sorry to hear this.
Just stay positive and know things will get better from this point on.
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Old 11-15-2004, 05:58 PM   #9
biznatch should edit this
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Thank you everyone for your kind words, were doing better than yesterday, my wife is still very distraught and im just angry and have been in the foulest moods and we feel very violated, but we realize there just material things and we are very happy that my wife was not here alone, we heard this morning that a block over a house was broken into about a half hour after ours was and the burgler had beaten the 2 dogs that were soposed to be protecting the place, one of the dogs is in pretty bad shape.

to ansswer your other questions, Monaro, the board is moving along nicely except for the fact that i had to switch hosting to handle the traffic and it has been down 3 days now, but prior to its going down i was averaging 60 signups a day, and i did find some moderators, thank you

also monaro the software in mention i did plan to have the affiliate program provided with it like i stated in the previoius post, i even had the pages built but not the backend. But due to recent events i cannot affoprd to put anymore money into it and will be selling it without a aff program

Panky, thank you for your kind words as well, i will make a post about the software in another topic, just have alot to do around the house and then i will be back. I went out and bought every gadget and security device i could get my hands on

Thank you everyone, take care
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Old 11-15-2004, 06:21 PM   #10
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too bad that nothing was insured - what did the police say when you filed a report??

I think that companies like future shop will give credit to get a better system.. not sure - really sad for you and my best for a speedy karma winfall

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