Thank you everyone for your kind words, were doing better than yesterday, my wife is still very distraught and im just angry and have been in the foulest moods and we feel very violated, but we realize there just material things and we are very happy that my wife was not here alone, we heard this morning that a block over a house was broken into about a half hour after ours was and the burgler had beaten the 2 dogs that were soposed to be protecting the place, one of the dogs is in pretty bad shape.
to ansswer your other questions, Monaro, the board is moving along nicely except for the fact that i had to switch hosting to handle the traffic and it has been down 3 days now, but prior to its going down i was averaging 60 signups a day, and i did find some moderators, thank you
also monaro the software in mention i did plan to have the affiliate program provided with it like i stated in the previoius post, i even had the pages built but not the backend. But due to recent events i cannot affoprd to put anymore money into it and will be selling it without a aff program
Panky, thank you for your kind words as well, i will make a post about the software in another topic, just have alot to do around the house and then i will be back. I went out and bought every gadget and security device i could get my hands on
Thank you everyone, take care