PussyCash is giving you a chance better then 1:7500 to take a Porsche Boxster home! - X Nations
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Old 07-13-2005, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default PussyCash is giving you a chance better then 1:7500 to take a Porsche Boxster home!

We already have over 250 webmasters with tickets to win this amazing car, and there are still another 6000 tickets waiting for you!

From July 1st to August 31st, PussyCash affiliates will be sending all their traffic to ImLive and WildMatch for a chance to win a sweet new Porsche Boxster with a $46,000 price tag!

This is yet another unprecedented campaign combining business with pleasure brought to you by PussyCash. Nobody else has ever given away such a hot car following such a short campaign! And the odds are incredible! A Porsche Ticket will be given for each of the first 5 signups (WildMatch or ImLive) every hour. No more than 7440 tickets will be given out by September 1st, meaning that after just 10 tickets, your odds will be better than 1:750, and after 100 tickets, you'll have an amazing over 1:75 chance of winning!

And if winning a Porsche isn't enough of an incentive, throughout July and August PussyCash is paying $50 - $100 for every ImLive signup, starting from the first signup, and either 50% commissions or $32 per signup to WildMatch!

For more information, visit PussyCash.

Mix Business with Pleasure

ICQ: 174167541
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