11-19-2002, 07:07 PM
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What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Hanging his baby over a balcony? That man has not only lost his face and skin colour but his freaking marbles!!!
Did anyone else catch a glimpse of that?
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sherie at macdaddybucks dot com
11-19-2002, 10:29 PM
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Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Originally posted by sherie
Hanging his baby over a balcony? That man has not only lost his face and skin colour but his freaking marbles!!!
Did anyone else catch a glimpse of that?
WHA?!?!? They actually let him keep the baby?? Ok for starters am out of it. Long time have not heard of him so no news of him (which brings to mind no news is REALLY good news this time).
anywhoots....I'm jealous of Spongebob 
11-19-2002, 11:29 PM
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Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Originally posted by BuggyG
WHA?!?!? They actually let him keep the baby?? Ok for starters am out of it. Long time have not heard of him so no news of him (which brings to mind no news is REALLY good news this time).
anywhoots....I'm jealous of Spongebob
I don't know what they are going to do, the man needs a psych evaluation that's for sure!
Jealous of SpongeBob? No need he's just me little side kick 
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sherie at macdaddybucks dot com
11-20-2002, 06:23 AM
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Yeah Sherie,
Kitty and I read the story and saw the pics. He seems to have lost touch with reality in a big way!
He is not responsible to have a child around him! 
11-20-2002, 08:37 AM
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Yes, I saw at news those images and I couldn't believe my eyes. What was he thinking? I really don't understand him.
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11-20-2002, 10:53 AM
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Originally posted by firehorse
Yeah Sherie,
Kitty and I read the story and saw the pics. He seems to have lost touch with reality in a big way!
He is not responsible to have a child around him!
Yup, truer words have never been spoken! If that is not unfit then I don't know what is!! Sad sad man is it?!
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11-20-2002, 10:53 AM
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I saw this on the news, and the messed up part is that he didn't go outside for anything other than to dangle the baby off the balcony. It's not like he was outside waving or anything, he came out, dangled the baby for a few seconds and went back in.
I mean, what the hell is up with this dude.
11-20-2002, 12:54 PM
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But Uri Gellar insists he's a good, loving father and that he only made a little mistake!
The guy really belongs in a mental institution. Anybody see that bizarre Halloween shit he did?!
11-20-2002, 01:42 PM
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Originally posted by sherie
Yup, truer words have never been spoken! If that is not unfit then I don't know what is!! Sad sad man is it?!
Um...hate to barge in like this...but I think he proved "unfit" when he sodomized that child a few years ago! I would much rather he dangled a child than molested him for years!!! :-( ALL children (including his own) should never be withing 100 yards of him!!! I can't believe he's still GOT them... ;-((
Lady Sharlot
11-20-2002, 02:06 PM
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Originally posted by LadySharlot
Um...hate to barge in like this...but I think he proved "unfit" when he sodomized that child a few years ago! I would much rather he dangled a child than molested him for years!!! :-( ALL children (including his own) should never be withing 100 yards of him!!! I can't believe he's still GOT them... ;-((
Lady Sharlot
Agreed, but there was never any charges filed. So he "allegedly" molested him. Not to say that I don't think that it happened, but what can you do? I cannot believe that there was a woman/men stupid enough out there to procreate with him, don't really care in which fashion they were concieved they outta be shot too! Anyone who bonds more with children then they do with adults is suspicious in my books, a fucking playland yikes!! This just proves beyond all reasonable doubt that he is "unfit".
And Danny I have no idea what he did on Halloween? What's that all about?
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sherie at macdaddybucks dot com
11-20-2002, 02:36 PM
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Pardon my bad English but that guy is a fucking freek show!! He's like a morphing crazy and creepy "thing". His face is falling off!
He wants to sue Sony for poor album sales and lack of representation..well if the client was'nt such a freek show with shitty music he would sell albums.
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11-21-2002, 12:22 AM
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Originally posted by sherie
And Danny I have no idea what he did on Halloween? What's that all about?
Oh, I just mean his Halloween special on VH1. That shit was freaky... I mean bizarre. If you haven't seen it, try to catch it sometime. The guy has some serious mental issues.
11-21-2002, 01:14 AM
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Originally posted by Danny_C
Oh, I just mean his Halloween special on VH1. That shit was freaky... I mean bizarre. If you haven't seen it, try to catch it sometime. The guy has some serious mental issues.
That I do not doubt for a minute!!
Today I seen him on one of the many entertainment shows and he was walking his other children around with vails and blankets over their heads....That boy grew up all fucked up and now the pattern continues!! Freakin NUTBAR!!
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11-21-2002, 05:04 PM
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They wear veils because he's afraid if the public see their faces, they'll be kidnapped.
11-21-2002, 05:06 PM
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Originally posted by Danny_C
They wear veils because he's afraid if the public see their faces, they'll be kidnapped.
Next kid I see with a towel over his head... I'm kidnapping.
I'll tell Michael Jackson it's his... uhhm... how would he know it wasn't? 
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11-24-2002, 09:56 PM
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Did ya hear..German police dropped their probe into his doings. I say it was fixed. A cover-up. Any otehr regular joe would have been thru hell but this being him, it's a cover-up for sure 
11-24-2002, 09:58 PM
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Re: Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
11-24-2002, 11:59 PM
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Originally posted by Danny_C
They wear veils because he's afraid if the public see their faces, they'll be kidnapped.
I say that no one would know that they are his because they are white!! LOL
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11-25-2002, 12:01 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Get in line sweetie!! LOL j/k
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11-25-2002, 06:11 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
11-25-2002, 06:29 PM
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the guy is messed up...no question about it...
you think for the kinf of money he has, he'd have someone saying...ah jacko maybe we dont want to be seen dangling a baby over a large height... but oh well
11-25-2002, 10:10 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Well come on down then! Sheesh, don't let that stop ya, I can bump ya up hehe 
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11-25-2002, 10:24 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What the hell was Micheal Jackson thinking....
Originally posted by sherie
Well come on down then! Sheesh, don't let that stop ya, I can bump ya up hehe
ok..you better not be just teasing me there now. Cause I fall too easily to being teaased. I like it., But shhhh!! it's a secret. Just you know now. No one else. hehehe
11-26-2002, 03:36 AM
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I saw the video on the news, it really was disturbing, he had a big grin on his face while doing it. What was with the towels also? Very strange.
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11-26-2002, 10:34 PM
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I said what the towel was for! 
11-26-2002, 10:58 PM
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Michael Jackson used to be somewhat in touch with reality and a normal looking person, right?
What happened? I can understand a lot of fame changing oneself and making him eccentric (understatement, of course)... but what's with his face? Is the plastic surgery just part of his eccentricity? Or does he have, like I read somewhere once, some kind of skin pigmentation disease?
11-27-2002, 06:04 PM
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No Chris, he bleached his skin I swear!! Funny how none of the other Jackson's contracted this so called "disease"
As for his face, his plastic surgeons should be shot for doing what they did to that man. The guy has to wear a mask to hide the hideous nature of his face! He was obsessed with the elephant man and now he has become somewhat of a freak himself! The elephant man was born that way unlike Michael who spent loads to destroy his face....
His children are white, which I find a tad bit peculiar! Anyone else find this strange?
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11-27-2002, 07:51 PM
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Originally posted by sherie
No Chris, he bleached his skin I swear!! Funny how none of the other Jackson's contracted this so called "disease"
As for his face, his plastic surgeons should be shot for doing what they did to that man. The guy has to wear a mask to hide the hideous nature of his face! He was obsessed with the elephant man and now he has become somewhat of a freak himself! The elephant man was born that way unlike Michael who spent loads to destroy his face....
His children are white, which I find a tad bit peculiar! Anyone else find this strange?
If I was to look at a pic of him now, and a pic of him back in the Billy Jean days.... I'd swear to God that it was a different person entirely.... ain't no person in the world that would look at the two pics and say "yeah, that's him" 
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11-27-2002, 09:28 PM
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I have to agree with ya StuartD
He does look very different, and wierd looking
Saw this shot on CNN and I swear he looked like a monkey from the nose down.
Really bad what he has done to his self. 
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