Hey all, sorry I haven't been around as much for quite a while. Taking care of a third term pregnant woman turned out to be a bigger task than I thought... plus had to get work done on top of that.
And now, now I have a 1 week old baby to take care of and that's an even bigger task!
But I'm finally starting to get back into the swing of things to find time for more than just work and taking care of family. Although, those are still my two priorities.
Cameron David Duncan was born on July 28th at 00:49, weighing 7 pounds and 8 ounces and measuring 21 inches.
Because of complications... mommy had to under-go a c-section, which turned out for the best. Baby had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck TWICE.
Anyway, enough formalities.... here is my little boy:
Just a few minutes old:
Sleeping on Mommy:
Sleeping with his Great Grandmother:
Just about to turn 1 week old: