SiN2.0 Adult Webmaster Podcast
J Sin
3:00 PM EST. 12:00 PM PST.
As the economy begins to show signs of life, questions remain how long it will take to recover and what the industry can expect when it does. If recent history teaches us anything, it is that nothing stays the same for long, especially in the adult industry.
Adult Marketing Talk
Bruce Friedman
5:00 PM EST. 2:00 PM PST.
This week on Adult Marketing Talk, host Bruce Friedman will discuss how to use the Adult B2B Marketing System to reach your potential customer, aka John Smith. Bruce will also have an interview with special guest Chris LaBrun as he previews the Internext Summer Forum at the Westin Diplomat Hotel and Resort in Hollywood, Florida, August 7th through the 9th. That's this Wednesday on Adult Marketing Talk, 5 pm eastern and 2 pacific with a re broadcast Saturday at 10:30 am eastern and 7:30 pacific, only on Webmaster Wednesday here on Radio Dentata.
Inside The Adult Industry
6:00 PM EST. 3:00 PM PST.
For her first show Shane invites Robert “The Legacy” Warren on to the show to talk about getting into the Adult Industry and what kinds of things you need to do in order to make a solid go of it. Shane and Robert also talk about trade shows and why it's so important to attend them whenever you can.
Sensual SEO
Lisa Weinberger, MAT
9:00 PM EST. 6:00 PM PST.
Lisa and Ralph continues their Social Media Marketing discussion about Twitter and applications, how to use Twitter from the basics of creating an account to the actual use of Twitter and how to communicate with followers. They begin to discuss Facebook and how to use Twitter and Facebook as powerful social media tools toward connecting with people and potential business globally.
Darkladys Sexpose
10:00 PM EST. 7:00 PM PST.
Darklady and LFP director Erica McLean talk about how common anal sex has become in videos and how hot couples porn can be when it’s shot by someone with actual artistic talent who truly understand the genre. Much of the rest of the time is spent with Darklady raving about McLean’s latest video, “Hardcore Circus XXX” while the director taunts her with the possibilities of her upcoming projects: an erotic rethinking of Alice in Wonderland – and porn with vampires!
Webmaster Wednesday on Radio Dentata just keeps getting better and better. Make sure your tuned in to see what's going on this week!
I'm stoked over the interview with Robert. It was a great time and I think we both enjoyed it. I'm interested to see what others think of it, oh yeah... and we did get to some of those XNations questions!