ok, we did Love Vs Sex. Now lets hear it on LOVE vs. MONEY!
The true love vs great sex thread a while back was interesting.
Now lets hear it on Love Vs Money. Some men are honest about it and say they prefer the money and prioritize business and money over LOVE.
Same with some women.
Then ofcourse there are those that say money doesnt matter. And how much I would like to believe that - I know money plays a big part of relationships.
Unless you are living in the amazon rain forest or some place where money does not (TOTALLY) rule the place - you are a "slave to money" in one way or another.
Without money you cant do much. You cant treat your loved one to nice dinners, you cant travel, you cant do this or that. Our world is money oriented - and I think money plays a large part in relationships.
Would you agree? And if you HAD TO CHOOSE between money OR true love - what would you choose?
I myself have chosen money and focusing on business over love more than once. And I have alot of friends that choose to focus on business and money instead of spending the time and energy necessary on taking care of, or finding true love. I had this convo with a group of friends the other night, and it was interesting to hear what diffirent people think.
So.. lets hear it! be honest!!