Webmasters Strike on Brute Force Attacks (CCN)
I am Happy Happy Happy !!!
today i am very happy ...
Last week my site has been hit by more then 1000 attempts to get in my password members section. I guess they found some successful usernames as my bandwidth jumped from 3GIB to nearly 15BG in less then 1 week. I really got frustrated that i could nothing do against all i could do is themporary close my site. Wish now ended up in few members that close there membership ;-(
I finally found a way to stop brute force attacks and password sharing for my website.
i have installed a perl script named: Robot control pro
and its one hell of website protection system. it banned all dorks trying to brute force attack my members section. and i can see who is sharing passwords so i can delete the users names ...
its rock and roll i am back in bushiness and my site is protected against
nearly all robots, page ripers and ther shit stuff...
No more Brute force attacks and password sharing on my site hahahaa
i finally beat them and i have full control over my own site !!!
Yehaaahhh i go get drunk today and watch CCN hahahaha
is your website protected well enough?