It's a brilliant concept. One that can be used to serve a variety of uses. Those people who tend not to look at the big picture, will jump on the bandwagon and push for this idea to become a reality.
Why don't we all just bend over and take it up the ass like Lawrence...
What will be next ? We already pay for email. It's a feature we have access to when we open up accounts, or when we run our own servers and software. We would then be paying again to use a service we already paid for.
Would we have to pay to publish websites?
Would we have to pay to search the web?
We already pay for these too. We would then be paying again and again and again.
Apparently, Mr. Gates doesn't have enough billions for a rainy day. The American Gov't will be more than happy to help this project along. It will allow them to legally do what they have been doing behind the scenes for years. Just on a much wider scale. Plus, they can make billions off of just the Americans alone.
Microsoft is worldwide. This idea, if ever implemented, will force other Gov'ts to follow suit. Suppose an American in Germany wants to send an email home. They would not only have to pay whatever fee the Germans determine for their electronic postage, then the Americans would probably impose some kind of fee before the message would be delivered and readable. Not only that, but each Gov't would be legally able to keep records of every email.
The whole idea to present this to the public by saying we want to fight the spammers, is bullshit. It's an excuse to gain attention and support. Even my 94 year old grandmother who doesn't own a computer knows what spam is. It's a brilliant way to introduce this idea.
The concept of making us complete a math problem or solve a puzzle before we can send our email or use an email system is ridiculous. People are impatient. They would rather buy electronic postage, then sit there and take a minute or whatever to answer questions, complete a math problem, solve a puzzle... Are we going to get to choose the subject and skill level? Today, I feel like answering 80's music trivia. Tomorrow, I think I'll try to prove a complex geometry problem.