We have customers who need traffic/advertising.
We want to refer them to you if you can in turn provide
- Targeted
- Targetable
- Hard Link
- Soft Link
- Custom Keyword
- Custom Thumb
- Niche
And similarly quality-not-quantity driven traffic.
We DON'T want:
- Popunder
- Exit
- Blind
- Skim
- Redirect
- Untargetted
- Unkeyworded
- Generic
- Chinese
- non-VISA/Master Card
and the like
We don't want Traffic that will not convert with our live video chat software clients.
If you have an affiliate program - excellent!
OR if you have a resource page especially, and you don't have an affiliate program: we can trade links from our internal, qualified traffic-needing site customers.
Or we always can work out another deal.
Let me know here and now people! Even if you aren't traffic brokers and you have potential reource page/s and links, we can work something out, or you can deal with our customers directly upon refferal!