PicassoCash Makes Niche Website Promotion Truly An Artform
San Diego, CA -- May 5, 2004 --_Tired of promoting the same old_"canned" porn that doesn't convert anymore?_Still wondering whether your sponsor is shaving you or not?__Now is the time to give the newly_launched_PicassoCash_(
http://www.picassocash.com) a try_with some of the best converting Sybian and_Hand Job_niche websites on the Internet._Offering a_wide selection of banners, pop-ups, free content and bannerless hosted galleries to meet all Webmaster needs, PicassoCash sites convert and retain, paying out the Webmaster a_one-time sign-up bonus of $25 or 50/50 for the life of the membership._Other affiliate programs may claim that they pay more, but the bottom line is after several years of running successful paysites in the adult Internet, PicassoCash understands the fine balance of keeping both the surfer and the Webmaster happy for as long as possible.
"It's no secret that unique niches are among some of the best converting sites in the adult Internet" states Mr RK, President of PicassoCash. "Surfers love hand job and sybian content._ These niches are a total departure from so much of what is played out over and over again on the Internet._ Our content really speaks for itself and our members retain._ Now Webmasters can start capitalizing on these sites_and promoting our other niches as well."
Like timeless art, PicassoCash will just get better and better with age._Start promoting niche websites_with high conversions and long retention by visiting
http://www.picassocash.com and signing up today!
About G Picasso Productions
Established in 1999, G Picasso Productions are the_originators of the Sybian "fuck machine"_niche featuring
http://www.sybianlounge.com_(running since 1997)_and
http://www.sybianworld.com. They also own and operate_
http://www.Her-Sweet-Hand.com, one of the original_hand job sites on the Internet_with "hands down"_some of the_hottest girls of any hand job site. With seven solid niche sites to promote, and_a foot fetish site_due out in Summer 2004, G Picasso websites have stood the test of time, and now PicassoCash will do the same.
G Picasso Productions
P.O. Box 712559
San Diego, CA_92171
ICQ: 107364877
PH: 858-279-8829