Monday, September 26, 2005
Los Angeles, CA—CECash continues their campaign for all aggressive webmasters who are serious about making more cash.
A ‘Build-A-Thon’ is a weekly event on AdultNetSurprise where participating webmasters build sites using a set of pre-determined guidelines. These sites are then critiqued by experienced webmasters with proven track records. Once all corrections/ suggestions are completed, the site is accepted.
All sites built during the Build-A-Thon will be included on a page link from all 6 million double opt-in CE Mailers with the opportunity for more exposure, more traffic and gaining even more affiliates!
The Build-A-Thon offer is free with any ad spot purchased on AdultNetSurprise!
Follow the example of CE’s success with building sites geared toward making huge money. The AdultNetSurprise staff works closely with the webmasters attending the Build-A-Thon helping them build better sites, teaching search engine tactics along with other on and off site marketing techniques. Becoming familiar with the programs offered by all Build-A-Thon sponsors is the first step for the ANS staff.
Your webmasters would benefit from the experience offered at ANS and they can also learn new techniques during each Build-A-Thon. This is a great way to get inactive or non productive affiliates more familiar with your programs and earning income as they learn ways to get more traffic.
AdultNetSurprise continues to grow - over 6,000 unique hits daily and nearly 25,000 members. These hits represent serious hardworking webmasters and respected as such in the ANS community. These webmasters embrace new comers to the business as well as the “old school”, sharing experience and helping them along in the right direction when asked. This is the kind of community you support when advertising on AdultNetSurprise.
Email John at
ompi@mindspring.com to lock in your ad spot, your Build-a-thon spot and start paving the road to more affiliates and more money!