I am looking for a Top Of The Line Email Adult Sponsor..
Hello, I am looking for a top of the line email adult sponsor.. Paying atleast $1.50 or $1.10 and up per confirmed email.. I will appreciate any good tips. Exluded companies= wegcash, cecash.. If you run your own sponsor like that, you can email me or contact me via icq 340373704..
(DMS) Direct Emailing Server: 7 million emails daily!
256 ips rotate automatically
2 mega bit connection
web based panel for emailig
auto ip check status report
Emailing Lists-
Adult Subscribers, generic Viagra Buyers, Penis-Pills buyers, Hgh Buyers
DMS Cost: $2300.
We also provide Bullet proof hosting for Adult websites having big websites.
(We will rotate the ip if it get black listed for free)
Dedicated Box is also available.
CONATCT AOL : lucrativities
CONATCT ICQ : 340373704
Contact name: Alex Keating