* I deleted the name of the company. Besides that - the chat log is untouched
* This has been 10 days ago more or less.
* needless to say I haven't heard from him since.
* This chat starts after several attempts to contact him over several days prior to this chat.
Tell me if its me (Pidgin) that is hyper-sensitive and in-fact thats a descent customer rep by your standard?
Your comments are welcome and appriciated
Pidgin 1/28/200 5:08 PM hello
Arnaud 1/28/200 7:38 PM hello
Arnaud 1/28/200 7:50 PM who are you ?
Pidgin 1/29/200 2:49 PM My name is Ron Kass
I think you are from D****s. Tell me if I
am wrong.
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:33 PM you are not wrong 
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:34 PM I'm Arnaud
what can i do for you ?
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:34 PM I was talking to another guy with your company
and he told me to contact you about promoting
your system.
It took me quite some time to get in touch
with you I hope its not typical
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:36 PM i just received an "hello" from you yesterday
which i replied to
what can i do for you ?
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:38 PM I am considering becoming an affiliate of
D****s. I do though want to promote it
without creating an AVS site. only through
banners etc.
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:39 PM what kind of volume are we talking about ?
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:41 PM I will start with low volume - banner only
My webmaster might know volumes better than
If it proves to be high converting system I
may use it on
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:48 PM ok let me get this straight : this is a great
opportunity for anybody to be able to promote
D*****s without an archive. At this time, i work
with 9 large volumes sites whom send me
between 2,5k and 20k daily traffic with a
conversion of 1:110 believe it or not
for 25 or more signups per day, i am
interested in helping you out.
for less, you'll create the account and you'll
do everything by yourself and you'll never
hear about me
is that ok for you ?
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:49 PM Is that an explanation or a threat??
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:49 PM that's just the way it works buddy 
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:51 PM well. I want to test your program to see if it
is something I would like to promote for long
term. If I can do it on my own I will. If I
fail I won't promote it.
is that ok for you ?
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:55 PM fine for me dude 
My point is that if you make 2 signups a day,
i will not be here to help you out
If you make 25 signups, that's different
Pidgin 1/29/200 5:57 PM Arnaud, you act the way you want or your
company (if its not yours) tells you to and I
will judge your system based on everything
including your attitude and support.
Arnaud 1/29/200 5:57 PM thank you very much 
Pidgin 1/29/200 6:00 PM Now..
is there anything special I should know about
your program besides your attitude?
Like links and rules for non-avs-site
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:04 PM i am not sure i understand your question
tell me a bit more about your traffic, this
will help me finding out the best way for you
to promote us
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:05 PM and signup here :
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:07 PM and please stop talking about my attitude, i
do not have one, i am just explaining how we
work. If you are not happy with the way we
work, you are more than welcome to chek out
the competition .
What we are offering with this system is
unique and this is an opportunity for you, not
for me
no hard feelings, just wanted to clarify 
Pidgin 1/29/200 6:08 PM I have traffic or places I can promote
programs. I do not want to open an AVS site so
promoting an AVS system is only an option for
me if I can promote the system without owning
one of the AVS sites on it (an "external"
affiliate if you want to call it that way). I
will start with little traffic for a while to
see if I think it converts well for me and if
I think it is I will grow from there.
Pidgin 1/29/200 6:08 PM Hell of clarification!
I am honored to be given this opportunity.
Thank you.
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:08 PM no problem 
Pidgin 1/29/200 6:14 PM Sorry for it but I was actually a tiny-little
bit sarcastic with the "I'm honored... thank
Are you sure its just me? Or is something
wrong with your attitude?
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:18 PM i would propose to start all over again in a
couple of hours or tomorrow as this conversion
obviously does not lead anywhere. I am not
sure we are on a good field to make the best
possible business together.
What do you think about that proposal ?
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:24 PM it's just a proposal, feel free to tell me
anything you'd like to do 
i am not trying to be sarcastic here, i am
just trying to find how to close this deal
Pidgin 1/29/200 6:24 PM I think it shouldn't take you several hours to
reevaluate your attitude in this conversation.
Just check out our not-too-long ICQ
conversation history.
Then again, maybe it’s me too sensitive and
you are using a very new sales technique that
is aimed towards creating some strange/unique
feeling of awe in me (and sadly seems to fail
in that)
I'll offer you an alternative approach..
We will stop our conversation at this pint and
if you come to think you might have been doing
something fundamentally wrong here contact me
again and I'll be happy to talk about what I
came here to talk in the first place.
Arnaud 1/29/200 6:29 PM thank you so much
I'll do that
So- what do you say people?