How did you get your User Name and what does it mean? - X Nations
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Old 04-06-2003, 08:32 PM   #1
Bobby Vicious
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Default How did you get your User Name and what does it mean?

Saw this thread on another board and was curious to know how the Xnations crew got their "user names" and do they have any significant meaning ?

Bob'by - noun. abbreviation/nickname of Robert. Given to me by New York Italians that I worked with at an offshore bank. Everyone in the crew had Italian names except me so when I was welcomed into the family I was given a new name and had to give up the old name given to me by my former masters. I became Bobby D'amico, a made man.

Vi' cious - adjective. wicked cruel; ferocious, dangerous. Given to me by the wife of a very good friend of mine who just refers to me as Vicious. I assume she could only be joking because I also happen to be the godfather of one of her daughters.

Bobby Vicious - wild exciting fabulous; dangerously handsome pathalogical liar, great sense of humor, porn entrepreneur and lover of women and all things beautiful.
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