Alright, Let me know people, please.
Is this post ^^^(a useful post)^^^ actually
I posted this as a thread at several msg boards last night,
and *someone* took this (a useful post) as "Spam" and not only
deleted the thread for their taking it that way (I think wrongly)
but even
banned me on the basis of
this post alone as being
"Spam" not belonging in a general forum oddly enough
named "Free Speech", that she took as being bad enough
"Spam" (?) to both delete the thread and ban me without
communication to me to any effect for me to discover unawares
what happened when going back there today.
I attempted to contact her today via ICQ to try to
understand why not only was this unobjectionable thread
was deleted but more so why I was banned after this my
only recent activity for quite a while,
and there being nothing wrong with that post at all.
In fact I have been thanked for this thread I posted
"a useful post" at many of the boards I did post this thread at.
But She took it as intolerable "Spam" as related in my ICQ with her today.
I started this attempt to communicate with her quite innocently
AND decently enough with only the following message:

I do not have it saved in my history as this person I had to delete.
I had this ICQ window open for a quite a while
but closed it after a long time without response.
but that was my first attempt to contact this person today:

OK? How bad is that? huh?
MUCH Later in the day, I got a response.
To this: "hi

I got this following as my response from her (name edited):
Xxx (6:39 PM) :
please don't bother me again, I am sick of trying to help you
Sad and silly, but true, and I don't think - "hi

is any kind of "bothering" when just trying to find out what is up
after being banned for having made a post such as this one (a useful post)
above which started this thread "a useful post" being talked
about as a violation of board rules so it was deleted and I was banned
for this and no other reason, as I hadn't been there at all for a long time.
This post last night as can be seen in this thread "a useful post" at several boards,
cannot sensibly or reasonably be contsrued as Spam, I do not believe,
and in fact it is a useful post, and it specifically is NOT Spam as they are
universally useful computer utility downloads which are actually FREE.
I was actually Thanked by some people at some boards I posted this at, even.
Naturally they can mod the way they want to, and that is the point,
that's all that this proves, that it reflects that as concerns LC,
people's better ideas and way they would conduct themselves toward others,
they cannot seem to maintain toward LC, as would appear to be too much
for them to try to treat me as equally and decently as others.
Any kind of rudeness pettiness shallowness and just plain not understanding something
when applied toward LC is alright as that is an excuse for someone to lose their heads.
That is, just the simple fact that it is with me (LC).
There is something fundamentally faulty with peoples' attitudes
when tolerance of me is so (irrationally) low that something that is absolutely
unobjectionable is reacted to as if I was doing something wrong (needing some reaction)
just because that is the general feeling that the person has built up toward me.
This is a person who has given herself the nickname of:
Rude Bitch
and in fact herself even brags about being a bitch as if it is a source of pride.
Well whatever, she knowingly accepts identifying herself in this manner.
I have heard this same thing said of her to me by other people over time, as well.
So the basic question I ask in this post is if there is anything
wrong with the first post in this thread: "a useful post"
as seen right above here, right in this thread, "a useful post"
is there anything objectionable with that post starting this thread?
Is it SPAM?
Is THIS Thread (a useful post) AS BEGUN
with the first post IN This Thread, (as above) SPAM?
Is the post that starts this thread (a useful post) SPAM?
Is that SPAM? Isn't that/this NOT Spam? That is NOT Spam at all?
Isn't it evidently and obviously only trying to be helpful and useful?
Isn't, really,that post NOT objectionable at all?
There is nothing wrong at all with that post (this thread: "a useful post").
To take it that way and talk about it that way with any response accordingly
would reasonably be unexpected, as it was for me unexpected that it would
be taken or treated that way, and really even more is kind of messed up, even.
I don't think my perspective on this is off one bit.
Is this post starting this thread SPAM?
What is wrong with this first post in this thread?
It is even genuinely and sincerely wanting to be positive and helpful.
It is sadly messed up to take it and treat it as if it was something wrong.
I am asking for some honest impressions here.
Level - headed, unbiased and objective opinion and feedback as to whether:
a useful post : 09-11-2004, 11:52 PM
useful stuff you may have some but maybe get something new
(and the rest) ---