01-28-2008, 02:44 PM
Evil Chris
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Women and boobies
Are most women nowadays pre-occupied with their boobs?
I think I read the results of a poll recently (forget where) and it said that the majority of women would get a boob enlargement if they could afford it or take the time out of their lives to do it.
Now we're living in times where so many women do get boob jobs. I wonder why this is?
Can the women of XNations elaborate on this?
We men will enjoy reading this thread since we're pre-occupied with tits as well. 
01-28-2008, 02:52 PM
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Most women would also lose 10lbs, buy a new car, or take a yoga class if they could/had the money/had the time. Not only that, but there is huge pressure these days on women to stay attractive at older ages. Years ago, once a woman had children, she was expected to look motherly and pass the torch to the younger generation. Now mothers are expected to look just as perky as the celebrity mothers in the magazines, and that just doesn't happen without serious money, effort, time, and training that most folks don't have access to. Boob jobs are more accessible now, though, so they're not seen as such a big deal.
It's also a function of fashion, I think. Would you rather spend $5k on a few stunning outfits that look FAB on you, or $5k on boobs that make anything you wear look even FABBER? (Yes, I made that up.)
Anwyays, I don't intend to ever get a boob job as I'm scared enough of doctors and needles as it is! But I can't say I won't change my mind after children or in another ten years time.
01-28-2008, 02:54 PM
punker barbie
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The majority of my friends have had their boobs done and im one of the few who is super happy with the cards i was dealt. I do see myself in the future after kids which i imagine will be in my mid 30's i will opt for breast augmentation.
However i dont see anything wrong with plastic surgery at any age. If it makes one feel better about themselves then go for it!
On a side note- Im a boobs kinda girl. I'll admitt i check them out.
01-28-2008, 02:56 PM
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Mine are real. I'm totally okay with mine just the way they are and I haven't had any complaints yet. I have the perfect size "C's baby all the way. Besides I'm sort of a chicken when it comes to being under the knife.
01-28-2008, 02:57 PM
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I'm not sure if I am pre-occupied with my boobs, but I definitely have appreciation for them. Sometimes I wish they were bigger, but I am honestly pleased with what I already have and so far I have had no complaints
However, I would not rule out the idea of a boob job entirely... maybe when I am 40 I'll want some dd's...
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01-28-2008, 02:57 PM
punker barbie
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Originally Posted by Elli
Anwyays, I don't intend to ever get a boob job as I'm scared enough of doctors and needles as it is! But I can't say I won't change my mind after children or in another ten years time.
if you ever have to go into surgery make sure to tell the doctor that you want him and not med students operating on you. i recently found out after they put you to sleep the student comes in and does the surgery and the doctor simply overseas. that scares me not the actual operation.
oh and this applies to ALL hospitals even the ones that are rated top in the nation.
01-28-2008, 02:58 PM
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I love boobs!
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01-28-2008, 03:01 PM
Evil Chris
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Ladies... many of you need avatars. Preferably ones that show boobage.

01-28-2008, 03:01 PM
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Well, it is hard for me to talk as a person who would consider a boob job because I am already a 32 DD. But as Elli said people are so preoccupied with looking good and there is a huge pressure to stay attractive even as you get older that people will do lots of things to make themselves look hotter, even get a boob job.
I, myself believe that you should just be happy with what you got. I think real tits (even small ones) look way better than the fake ones. Since I run GND Magazine and do lots of site reviews I see many fake boobies. I really do believe that you should just leave what you have alone. The real ones look way better than those fake titties anyways. But that pressure to always look better is there for so many girls that that is why girls get boob jobs.
Girls also have that pressure from you guys who are so pre occupied with liking big tits that they go out and do that so that they can please the guys in their lives. My opinion: Girls if a guy can't like you for what you got, then don't bother with him.
I won't get a boob job, but as I said they are big enough already. My friends always ask me (if this were possible) if I could get a breast reduction and they could take a cup each from me and get a breast enlargement. I just laugh. I guess I was given big tits for a reason. The only reason I have found so far is a sore back and sore shoulders. Oh and all the guy attention!
01-28-2008, 03:03 PM
Sheri Santiago
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Ladies, get some boobs.
You'll never need to:
-get a good hair cut
-wear makeup
-keep your nails all french manicured up
-wear shoes
Once you get a big rack guys don't bother noticing anything else! Think of all the time you'll save! 
01-28-2008, 03:04 PM
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I have never considered it myself. I guess everyone wants to change something about them from time to time but I never understood breast enlargements.
What can I say...I like my boobs the way they are  
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01-28-2008, 03:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
Ladies, get some boobs.
You'll never need to:
-get a good hair cut
-wear makeup
-keep your nails all french manicured up
-wear shoes
Once you get a big rack guys don't bother noticing anything else! Think of all the time you'll save! 
Excellent point, Sheri!
01-28-2008, 03:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Are most women nowadays pre-occupied with their boobs?
I think I read the results of a poll recently (forget where) and it said that the majority of women would get a boob enlargement if they could afford it or take the time out of their lives to do it.
Puhlease. MEN are pre-occupied with boobs and the reason MOST women WOULD get a boob job imo would be for a man...one way or the other. Meaning being pressured by guys like YOU who are obsessed with big boobs. Or, in the adult industry, for monetary gains...again, because GUYS want big boobs.
The only reason I would find acceptable for a woman to get a boob job, would be for her self esteem. To please her man? The guy deserves a kick in the head.
B cup is just fine with me. Anything larger than a C I have zero interest.
01-28-2008, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
Ladies, get some boobs.
You'll never need to:
-get a good hair cut
-wear makeup
-keep your nails all french manicured up
-wear shoes
Once you get a big rack guys don't bother noticing anything else! Think of all the time you'll save! 
Sorry, I know you're being a little sarcastic, but the first thing I notice is the face. NOTHING beats a pretty face. Of course, I'm an enigma.
01-28-2008, 03:09 PM
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I confess, I've been a devoted fan of the bewbies all my life...
01-28-2008, 03:14 PM
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I know this sounds cliché, but nothing is sexier than being comfortable in your own skin.
01-28-2008, 03:16 PM
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In speaking to women who have had a few kids they need to feel the youthfulness of perky boobs once again. I have no problem if my wife decided on getting a boob job merely because she felt they were sagging or not attractive to her anymore - but to merely do it for cosmetic reasons because she simply felt that others won't like her because of their size I would have a problem with.
Then it becomes a matter of self esteem - and no size will be "right" for a woman who doesn't like herself or has confidence. Once that is done, then what else is necessary in their mind to be changed?
First what women don't realize is that men are more pre-occupied in general with the attitude of a woman more than the cleavage. I have met many women with great boobs but shitty personalities and they always ask me -
"why can't I find the right guy?". Hun, it has nothing to do with your looks.
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01-28-2008, 03:17 PM
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the only reason I would ever have considered a boob job is cos one boob is bigger than the other.. but since I don't want my tits to feel fake (and they're a reasonable size anyways) I would never actually have it done
as far as pre-occupation goes though, I wouldn't say I spend much time thinking about my boobs.. other chicks boobs, sure!
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01-28-2008, 03:19 PM
Casa Nova
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The answers in here are very interesting. My current girlfriend wants a boob job after she has kids. To me her breasts are beautiful, I understand why all you girls are so self conscious with the media etc. I think as a male society we have failed the women we love. We have to start telling our loved ones just how beautiful they are naturally, so they don't have to go to a doctor to feel good about themselves.
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01-28-2008, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Now we're living in times where so many women do get boob jobs. I wonder why this is?
Oh, to answer this question btw, the answer is simple. The media. The media is allowed to focus on sexuality more today than ever before and that translates into many women, AND men, feeling inadequate by comparison.
Simple rule of thumb to go by...If it's not a lawyer's fault, then it's the media's.
01-28-2008, 03:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Casa Nova
The answers in here are very interesting. My current girlfriend wants a boob job after she has kids. To me her breasts are beautiful, I understand why all you girls are so self conscious with the media etc. I think as a male society we have failed the women we love. We have to start telling our loved ones just how beautiful they are naturally, so they don't have to go to a doctor to feel good about themselves.
Awww that is so sweet 
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01-28-2008, 03:23 PM
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If a woman wants one then more power to her. There are all sorts of reasons to get them from personal to financial.
That said, to any man worth his salt a woman's personality is the deciding factor over her boob, butt, etc. Admittedly most men and women do have a particular look they like but in the end a great personality goes much further than a certain look.
Not saying looks don't matter but a woman's cup size isn't going to make or break whether I would like to date her or not.
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01-28-2008, 03:33 PM
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interesting thread and no pics of boobs?  )

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01-28-2008, 03:35 PM
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as an average guy I'd have to say I love all sizes of boobs. Breast augmentation is fine by me, but why when nearly all guys simply love tits of all sizes?
that's all Ive got. Im moving offices- so super busy.
01-28-2008, 03:39 PM
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Boobs good.. fire bad!
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01-28-2008, 03:44 PM
Vid Vicious
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boobies.... i love texture ... the curves .. the feel of them ... boobies

01-28-2008, 04:00 PM
Casa Nova
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Originally Posted by Vid Vicious
boobies.... i love texture ... the curves .. the feel of them ... boobies

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01-28-2008, 04:06 PM
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Fabio loves big boobies.
01-28-2008, 04:29 PM
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Sorry but fake tits look BAD. I see so many shoots where the girls breasts are hanging down,while she is doing doggie for example, and they have all these gross looking wrinkles in the side of the breast. I dont like ANYTHING fake and fake tits are right up there.
A woman who is happy with herself is infinitely more attractive.
01-28-2008, 04:36 PM
Sheri Santiago
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Ben that's why chicks shouldn't get boob jobs over the muscle, you see everything...there are way more bad boob jobs than good ones.
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