01-28-2008, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Ronaldo
Puhlease. MEN are pre-occupied with boobs and the reason MOST women WOULD get a boob job imo would be for a man...one way or the other. Meaning being pressured by guys like YOU who are obsessed with big boobs. Or, in the adult industry, for monetary gains...again, because GUYS want big boobs.
The only reason I would find acceptable for a woman to get a boob job, would be for her self esteem. To please her man? The guy deserves a kick in the head.
B cup is just fine with me. Anything larger than a C I have zero interest.
The self esteem argument is a slippery slope. Wouldn't we all have a bit better self esteem if we looked more like the models in the magazines? "Dahling, I just *had* to have these diamond earrings. They help my self esteem so much!"
01-28-2008, 05:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Elli
The self esteem argument is a slippery slope. Wouldn't we all have a bit better self esteem if we looked more like the models in the magazines? "Dahling, I just *had* to have these diamond earrings. They help my self esteem so much!"
I suppose that's true, but there are many women, as someone so eloquently put it, that are "Comfortable in their own skin". To those that are GENUINELY unhappy with their appearance, NOT based on the "Perfect" woman as seen on TV, then I would certainly understand. If they were doing it BECAUSE of the women seen on TV, I'd do my best to give them a dose of reality by taking them to the local bar and pointing out the imperfections in all the women. Or at least the ratio of "Perfect" people to "Normal" looking.
01-28-2008, 05:58 PM
Mr. Plow
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Women are certainly under enormous pressure to look perfect and men are starting to be pressured by the media in the same way, just as unfairly and unrealistically. With this in mind, let me state for the record right now that I am not having my balls done! Anyway, I don't think that there's any surgical procedure that would make my balls look more attractive: They ain't pretty folks:P
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01-28-2008, 06:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Ronaldo
I suppose that's true, but there are many women, as someone so eloquently put it, that are "Comfortable in their own skin". To those that are GENUINELY unhappy with their appearance, NOT based on the "Perfect" woman as seen on TV, then I would certainly understand. If they were doing it BECAUSE of the women seen on TV, I'd do my best to give them a dose of reality by taking them to the local bar and pointing out the imperfections in all the women. Or at least the ratio of "Perfect" people to "Normal" looking.
Agreed. I'd certainly feel better about myself if those women weren't on tv and everywhere else in the media quite so much. 
01-29-2008, 12:20 AM
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The truth of the matter is it all boils down to sex appeal.
I'm hung like a carton of cigarettes but no one sees this unless I'm naked. I can't wear my cock on my chest like women do.
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01-29-2008, 02:12 AM
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I haven't even colored my hair once yet, let alone get a boob job. However, if I reach the point where I have more than a silver strand or two, I'd color my hair in a heartbeat. I like my boobs the way they are. Always have. Now if I had cancer or was involved in some sort of an accident, I'd consider a boob job. However, there are alternatives that don't involve surgery, depending on the situation.
Plastic surgery can do wonders for people, but its just not my thing. Getting plastic surgery of any sort due to trauma, disease, or developmental defect is one thing, but I'm not going to do it because it has become a popular trend.
I'm okay with being average. I can dress up and look really nice, but at the same time, I'm perfectly fine going to the grocery store with my hair pulled back, a little bit of eyeshadow and mascara, wearing a pair of jeans. I am who I am.
Hollywood, runway models, and the likes, do play a huge role in how women perceive themselves in todays world. What was considered beautiful 50 years ago, isn't todays perception of beauty. Cosmetic companies are cashing in big time on wrinkle creams, age defying creams, and all that stuff. It seems like every other commercial on TV is for hair color, diet related items and plans, fitness related, or wrinkle/age defying creams. The thing is, we do a lot of damage to ourselves and then we figure we can take a pill, have surgery, or apply some cream to make it all better.
01-29-2008, 06:24 AM
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If I had boobs I would never leave the house.
Just stay home and play with them all day 
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01-29-2008, 08:30 AM
is Travelling the
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
Ben that's why chicks shouldn't get boob jobs over the muscle, you see everything...there are way more bad boob jobs than good ones.
I'll have to disagree with you on that one Sheri...I got my implants over the muscle and it looks very natural and not wating to brag, but I think I got a great rack...lol  It all depends on your skin, the original shape of your breasts etc... But I do know what you mean. I call it the "stripper boobs" they tend to look very round and fake. 
01-30-2008, 04:23 PM
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I think it is aesthetics
I know a few women who are determined to get work don after they have kids. Some who seemingly have beautiful bodacious breasts already...
Love the skin yoru in and if you cant fix it I guess
01-30-2008, 07:03 PM
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I just love titties small, big , round, you get my point. You women worry too much about perfection we love you just the way you are.
02-01-2008, 11:46 AM
Mister E
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02-01-2008, 02:30 PM
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I understand why some women want to enhance their breasts, and I don't judge them for it. Personally it isn't for me though.
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02-03-2008, 04:58 PM
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Good point. I looked at it for quite a while before I noticed that words :P
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02-04-2008, 03:21 PM
Sheri Santiago
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Originally Posted by Funbrunette
I think I got a great rack...lol
I'd have to see them to be the judge of that!
Stripper boobs are the worst! Grapefruit boobs are not hot!
02-04-2008, 03:32 PM
is Travelling the
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
I'd have to see them to be the judge of that!
Stripper boobs are the worst! Grapefruit boobs are not hot!
You'll have to take my word on it (After 10 years the need to show them off wears off...lol) and trust me they look very natural! 
02-04-2008, 11:01 PM
Evil Chris
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Take it from me Sheri... FB has a very beautiful, natural looking pair.
(everyone knows I am a boob man) 
02-05-2008, 12:20 PM
Vid Vicious
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this is a convo that my GF and I had this past weekend .. she's got awesome naturals, that have been reduced because of back problems . though they still look spectacular!
She knows that I'm not a tit man and it bothers her a bit, seeing as that's one of her strong features .. My thing is I'm more of a shapes/curves man ... I do love her breast .. but for me its not about size but rather about shape ... So big or small as long as the shape is there, I'm all in
02-05-2008, 12:21 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
I'd have to see them to be the judge of that!
Stripper boobs are the worst! Grapefruit boobs are not hot!
Sheri and FB have great Boobies ...

02-08-2008, 10:54 AM
Kenny B
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Originally Posted by Sheri Santiago
Ladies, get some boobs.
You'll never need to:
-get a good hair cut
-wear makeup
-keep your nails all french manicured up
-wear shoes
Once you get a big rack guys don't bother noticing anything else! Think of all the time you'll save! 
Sheri that's not true at all I think your blue eyes are much nicer then your big rack!
kenny - at -kennyspennies.com
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