03-12-2006, 10:38 AM
Evil Chris
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Worst car you ever bought
I once purchased a 1980 Ford Fairmont for $500.
What a piece of total shit it turned out to be.
I drove it for about 8 months, and then I sold it for $400.
Never invested anything but duct tape into it.
03-12-2006, 10:47 AM
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I think I've liked all of my cars.
My first car was a Renult 18i, which is not a common car in the US. It was a four banger, four doors, with leather seats and a cassette player. Not the fastest car in the world but great for a teen's first car.
Next up was a Camaro I bought for $500. It was beat up but for the price I couldn't beat it. The engine caught fire one day, yet we were able to replace all of the wires and it still ran.
Then in the Marines I had a second Camaro, with a three speed. For $600 it was a great car.
Out of the Marines I bought an RX7, and then traded that in for my first new car - A purple Mazda MX3. Yep, purple. Six banger with a sun roof, leather seats. The car was brand new but two years old; It sat on the lot because it was purple. When I traded the car in on my first Mustang I got made a profit of several thousand dollars.
Since then - 1995 - I've driven nothing but Mustangs. I've had a 1995 GT, a 66 Fastback, A 2001 Coupe, a 2003 GT, and now my 2004 Mach 1.
At this point I don't see myself driving anything except for Mustangs.
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03-12-2006, 10:52 AM
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Here's my first car:
My 1995 GT:
My 66 Fastback:
My 2003 GT, in Mexico, With Yanks Billie in a bikini:
And my 2004 Mach 1 with Raimi:

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03-12-2006, 11:25 AM
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Years ago I had a Renault 18 Estate , it was a great car.
We had snow in the UK and Range Rovers etc were getting stuck. "Betsey" kept trucking on through.
And I bought a new Mustang about a month ago. Its sweet.I got the 6 cyl Convertable in silver.
Newton now has the horn for one.But he wants the GT
On the which cars are crap , I've had 100s of cars.
Owning cars is another weekness of mine besause of it I eventually ended up owning part of a classic car garage.The "Traders Insurance" alone made the investment worthwhile
Hard to pick just one that was really crap though...lol
However coolest cars I have owned include
Bentley Turbo R ( have had a couple..)
Porsche Carerra RSR
Bentley S2 Slying Spur
1954 Corvette ( one of the first 3000)
GMC Syclone.
Jag XK 120.
The list goes on
Have had an old Rolls Corniche break down outside a club at closing time in England...that was ummm "fun"..people laughing and making comments like "Should have bought a lada mate" and "Oh my bad show , its failed to proceed"
If anyone is interested I'll scan some pics. ( Which I have never done on any board , funnily enough)
03-12-2006, 11:50 AM
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Mine was a Ford Pinto station wagon, so bad I can't even remember what year it was.
03-12-2006, 01:01 PM
Evil Chris
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I went to the Ford dealership a few weeks ago to scope out a new Mustang convertible. I've previously had two convertibles and I really miss having one.
I'm not terribly interested in a big engine or lot's of extras, but mainly a larger size convertible that the whole family can cruise around in.
03-12-2006, 01:34 PM
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The worst one I had was a Ford Cortina Mk2 1500 gt which was my first car, used to drive it to school when i was learning and would scare the shit out of the other students.
I am definately interested in the new v8 mustang though as Nick said. The front seat lowered right down as my head hits the roof, back seats folded and perfect for two sets of golf clubs. The perfect golf mota 
03-12-2006, 04:53 PM
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I once bought a Fiat Spyder that caused a mechanic to intone "LADY, have you looked UNDERNEATH this car?????" Gulp. Well, no, I hadn't. I'd trusted my asshole boyfriend, who "seemed" to know a great deal about cars. (The car was impounded - as was the boyfriend - by the Louisville police department while they checked to see if the car had been stolen out-of-state. I had the paperwork that said it hadn't been stolen *in* state, but my asshole boyfriend's attitude caused the situation to escalate.)
I also once owned a Ford Galaxy that caused yet another mechanic to lean in my driver's side window and say sadly "promise me you will NEVER invest any money in this car. No matter what anyone tells you or promises you. If it breaks down...just walk away from it." When it broke down - in the parking lot of the place I worked, I did indeed walk away from it. Eventually, it was towed.
I also owned a little Rambler that I adored. Three on the column. Yummy, my favorite. (Well, I "owned" it in the sense that I had handed cash to someone who then handed me keys. No paperwork was involved in the transaction. My youth was...interesting.) A roommate wrapped my beloved little car around a tree. The car was wearing the plates of the Ford Galaxy at the time. Luckily, nothing untoward resulted from that incident. The tree recovered, too.
I don't think I personally have ever owned a car that *wasn't* crap. I married a man with a passion for old Volkswagons who actually *does* know a lot about cars. Finally we live in a place with a flat driveway where he can work on his own cars, which causes him to be quite merry.
When we took the tour of the Indianapolis Speedway decades ago and the gleam wouldn't leave his eye, I told him that I was indeed a most supportive spouse and if he wanted to zip his 1974 Volkswagon Super Beetle out onto the track and go around until he was arrested, I'd happily bail him out and pay the fine. He thought about it. If we hadn't had the toddler with us and I hadn't been pregnant with the youngest, I think he would have gone for it. 
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
03-12-2006, 05:04 PM
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A Legend In My Own Mind
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Two different VW Jetta.
a turbo diesel where the guy totally ripped me off. Blew the engine.
and a gasoline '94 CL, bought from my parents which, despite being treated perfectly by my folks, broke down like there's no tomorrow...
Having your brake line burst while driving is not something I recommend...
changed shocks, whole exhaust, had to have the engine head smoothed, defective oil pump... urgh... down to the whipper mecanism jamming up...while it's raining...
fuck i hated that car.... changed everything on it... made in fucking Mexico...
03-12-2006, 05:19 PM
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Originally posted by DrGuile
Two different VW Jetta.
a turbo diesel where the guy totally ripped me off. Blew the engine.
and a gasoline '94 CL, bought from my parents which, despite being treated perfectly by my folks, broke down like there's no tomorrow...
Having your brake line burst while driving is not something I recommend...
changed shocks, whole exhaust, had to have the engine head smoothed, defective oil pump... urgh... down to the whipper mecanism jamming up...while it's raining...
fuck i hated that car.... changed everything on it... made in fucking Mexico...
Why not share with us all what you drive now? 
03-12-2006, 05:39 PM
Evil Chris
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Actually my first car wasn't my worst. It was really fun to drive.
A 1972 Plymouth Fury III
03-12-2006, 07:08 PM
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Worst motor ever was a citroen ax... I bought it as it was the only thing I could afford when I was doing my m/e apprenticeship... a total girls car and even the horn sounded ghey...
03-12-2006, 08:01 PM
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Citizen X
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my first and worst was a 96 dodge neon. i spent almost as much money fixing that piece of shit as I did buying it.
03-13-2006, 10:40 AM
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A Legend In My Own Mind
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Originally posted by Nickatilynx
Why not share with us all what you drive now?
Lol, arent we clever. Im not ashamed.
I bought a 2005 Elantra this summer. Paid cash.
03-13-2006, 11:36 AM
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Originally posted by DrGuile
Lol, arent we clever. Im not ashamed.
I bought a 2005 Elantra this summer. Paid cash.
Gosh you must have been nervous carrying $500 cash ;-)))
How do you double the second hand value of an Elantra?
Fill it with gas
What do you call an Elantra Convertible
A dumpster

03-13-2006, 11:39 AM
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But seriously...as I said at the time...
"A very wise and sound buy.Very conservative."
Best warranty in NA too I believe

03-13-2006, 11:39 AM
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A Legend In My Own Mind
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Originally posted by Nickatilynx
Gosh you must have been nervous carrying $500 cash ;-)))
How do you double the second hand value of an Elantra?
Fill it with gas

What do you call an Elantra Convertible
A dumpster
How much money did you make with that classic car collection?
Dont forget the minus in front of the number....
03-13-2006, 11:40 AM
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03-13-2006, 11:51 AM
Evil Chris
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I still have my 1996 VW Golf. Still runs great, and only 70,000 km on it.
03-13-2006, 12:09 PM
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I've always been fortunately in the purchases of cars - from my first 69 tempest to a 73 monte carlo right now to my mustang GT the cars have stood by me and helped me survive in times when I really needed them.
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03-13-2006, 01:05 PM
Vid Vicious
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Chris .. Remember that jeep I had back in 2002 ?
Now that was the worst piece of machinerey i ever bought .. Luckly I sold it for more then I bought it for a year later.. the worst and most expensive repair was the twisted manifold .. Man I got stuck with a real lemon there .. with the body work I did on the truck (painted it midnight blue) I must of spent about 4000 $ on it, in less then a year .. add the $5500 Ticket price that's 9500 $ .. I sold the bitch truck for 6500 $ 40 000 km later ...

03-13-2006, 01:11 PM
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What the fuck .. Damn that chick was so hot .. Here's another pic from this classic shoot ... (classic for myself, evil chris and good chris) .. LOL

03-13-2006, 01:12 PM
Vid Vicious
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notice the jeep in the background?
03-13-2006, 02:20 PM
Mr. Blue
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
notice the jeep in the background?
What Jeep...I didn't see no Jeep in either of the pics
My worst car a Ford Maverick followed by a Impala that was used as a taxi...I bought it for like $200 and it had something like 300,000 or so miles on it...it was a good car though, as long as you didn't stop at any lights...cause...once it stopped it might not start again.
btw, I didn't care that the cars sucked, I had a ton of fun in them, and I should have ripped the back seat out of both of them and put them in the Mr. Blue Memorial Museum.
03-13-2006, 03:10 PM
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There was a Jeep?
03-13-2006, 03:11 PM
Vid Vicious
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Originally posted by Mr. Blue
What Jeep...I didn't see no Jeep in either of the pics
My worst car a Ford Maverick followed by a Impala that was used as a taxi...I bought it for like $200 and it had something like 300,000 or so miles on it...it was a good car though, as long as you didn't stop at any lights...cause...once it stopped it might not start again.
btw, I didn't care that the cars sucked, I had a ton of fun in them, and I should have ripped the back seat out of both of them and put them in the Mr. Blue Memorial Museum.
LOL .. I've had ex taxi impala 1985 and an Parisien 1979, also an ex taxis .. My dad was a cab driver and owner ... LOL ... Completely forgot about those cars .. the Parisien didnt have a working carburator so you need lots of speed to make it over a hill ... LOL .. and when your 16 years old, $5 gas is a shit load of money .. LOL
03-13-2006, 03:18 PM
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Originally posted by TheLegacy
I've always been fortunately in the purchases of cars - from my first 69 tempest to a 73 monte carlo right now to my mustang GT the cars have stood by me and helped me survive in times when I really needed them.
Hello, my Robert!
I remembered something that my much lamented Ford Galaxy taught me: that I am the human and it is something I *own* and I shouldn't be afraid of it. During a moment of utter frustration, when I had my head under the hood attempting to follow instructions given to me by a friend on how to adjust a carburator, I lost my temper and hit the thing with a wrench. Well, as it turns out, I had something called a "float" stuck, and the solid whack jarred it loose. I was flushed with power at that moment and realized it's just a tool. A piece of equipment. It has no magical properties with which I - as a female - am incapable of grasping. It may have been a piece of shit automobile-wise, but it did teach me a valuable lesson, and thus was not a total loss.
I learned to change, and even rotate, my own tires; check all the multitudinous fluids that require checking; and even in moments of great bravery, I've given people jumps. (Electricity frightens me, ever since I stuck the bobby pin in the outlet as a very small child.)
My husband has always been very good about teaching me to do things, and has taken advantage of the fact that my smaller hands can slide into places his won't fit.
I adore old cars. One of my fantasies is that my husband and I can someday buy an old clunker and cherry it out together. We live in a town that seems to have more than its share of old cars and old car clubs. On bright, sunny Saturdays, the streets are full of them. 
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
03-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Mr. Blue
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
LOL .. I've had ex taxi impala 1985 and an Parisien 1979, also an ex taxis .. My dad was a cab driver and owner ... LOL ... Completely forgot about those cars .. the Parisien didnt have a working carburator so you need lots of speed to make it over a hill ... LOL .. and when your 16 years old, $5 gas is a shit load of money .. LOL
lol, the thing that was great about the car though was the backseat was like a sofa. I swear to god for a 17 year old it was the closest thing to having an apartment, lol.
03-14-2006, 12:59 AM
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Originally posted by upallnite
There was a Jeep?
What jeep?
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03-14-2006, 06:50 PM
Trouble Tonya
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LOL this is a great thread...my worst car ever was a 1979 volks rabbit Diesel motor. Baby puke green and it didnt cost me a dime! It did vapor lock then I traded it in on a Chevy Cavalier! Now I drive a 1998 Toyota 4 runner 4x4  gotta play in the mud ya know!
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