Elevated X launches most powerful CMS product - X Nations
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Old 03-27-2006, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default Elevated X launches most powerful CMS product

Los Angeles, CA—The most powerful Content Management System developed to date has launched from automation software company, Elevated X, Inc. http://elevatedx.com.

The system is loaded with extensive content management functionality, retention boosting features, 2257 cross referencing, interactive member area features and much more.

In addition to delivering an impressive product, their attention to detail and customer service is the best the industry has to offer.

This powerful software was designed to fully manage all content and automate the management and updating of pay site member areas. This software also allows sites to run on auto-pilot and it will never be required to manually update again or touch another line of code.

With amazing reliability,. Elevated X CMS was designed to ensure that your sites maintain their stability at all times. By providing an option for automatically generating a static HTML version of any site we ensure not only reliability and site performance but also member satisfaction.

“We spent the past 13 months developing this software with the demands of large scale clients in mind and the result has exceeded our expectations.” Says AJ Hall, CEO of Elevated X, Inc. “With all the time and energy invested in this we’re excited to finally unveil the most powerful pay site management tool that the adult Internet industry has ever seen. We’re focused on helping each client get the most out of our software and experience the difference a system like this can make.”

This system can accommodate both small and large sites and even act as the infrastructure for an entire cash program. Elevated X CMS offers an extensive list of features for managing content and optimizing member retention.

For a full list of features and to learn more about this unique system visit http://elevatedx.com or email sales@elevatedx.com

Lori Z.
ICQ: 289567792
I have data to swap!

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