Originally posted by Evil Chris
40 isn't a big deal at all!
(if I can stop misplacing my Rolaids, that is)
Actually, turning 40 for me was great. I had one of the two birthday parties I've ever had when I turned 40. 'Twas a rather nice affair, in one of the "our place" kind of restaurants, with a lot of people, food, a cake...and the total humiliation of sitting and opening presents while they all stared at me. (Apparently the part of the invitation that said - graciously, I thought - "the only gift I desire is your company" flew over the heads of my friends. Nice people, all, but damn, I despise being stared at. Trying to hit the exactly same inflection of "ooh!" when you open each gift is trying.)
But, per usual, I digress. There's something comforting about turning 40 if you let it flow in. You are demonstrably an adult. You don't have to play games anymore. No more "have to wear/own/be" that you felt when you were younger. You face the fact that you're never, ever going to decide what you want to be when you grow up because while you weren't looking - you did. You can drink out of the carton if you want to because it's your damned carton. (OK, unsanitary and disgusting example, but you know what I meant.) You've got flaws out the wazoo but they've become comfortable. (They're staying, you might as well get used to them.) You've even discovered in yourself a virtue or two of which you can be quite proud. If you're 40 and not in prison, indicted for one of the more unsavory felonies or flipping burgers somewhere, you can consider your life a success. By now, the "should I get married and/or have children?" decision is behind you, for good or bad.
It's not all skittles and beer. The body you've been walking around in is walking slower these days. Things that used to be firm aren't any longer...or not as firm as often as you'd like them to be. (Not just males, women "get firm" as well, we're just more discrete about it.) You start to realize that the young studs/babes have been addressing you as "Sir" or "Ma'am" for some time now...while you still have the samned damned roving, interested eye you've had since puberty. (The good news is that never goes away. The bad news is...you have to focus more on the objects of your interest. A 20 year old climbing up your leg may give a boost to the ego...but the 20 year old probably has parental issues with which you do not want to deal.)
Keep the Rolaids handy, Chris. Your stomach and hair may know that you're turning 40, but your face and smile still say "I'm a teenage hellion and about to prove it."
You win.