Scammed by Lutz Meyerding - looking for info - X Nations
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Old 06-08-2005, 02:09 AM   #1
scammedinvestor should edit this
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Default Scammed by Lutz Meyerding - looking for info


My wife and I were scammed by an adult entrepreneur/scammer by the name of Lutz Meyerding. We were foolish and invested $10,000 even though we need the money for our retirement. The money was supposed to be put into Meyerding's "highly profitable" adult webcam business, but he sqandered the money, closed down his webcam company, and started a new one. He is still in the same business and owns a webcam studio in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) with about two dozen girls performing in front of his webcams. He is making great money each month, but not paying his investors.

I'm looking for any background information about Lutz Meyerding that would assist me in recovering my funds. My investigations so far have revealed that Meyerding left the US in a hurry a few years ago (quite possibly because he scammed other investors and things were getting out of control). He is now living in exile in the Dominican Republic... living off my money, that is, and that of other investors. Even if I cannot recover my funds I am determined to take him down and stop him from scamming others.

Any information will be appreciated, and, if it leads to the recovery of my investment, richly rewarded. I'm in touch with a few other US-based investors who were scammed by Meyerding for similar amounts. We are all members of the same investment club. One of these investors is a friend of the Attorney General's cousin, but would that help much if Meyerding is hiding out down south? We can't send in the troops this time, can we? Let's be realistic.

The total loss to US-based investors is well over $100,000, and probably much, much more than that. There are reports that Meyerding has been running other online scams in the recent past. But so far I'm not aware of any organized recovery effort other than my own. I'm looking for others who might have been scammed by Meyerding so we can team up and get this thief out of business and behind bars. Don't throw your money away just like that... stand up for your rights!

Finally, I'm looking for any of the girls/models that were or are working from him who have a grudge against him or simply want for justice to prevail. US models, contact me. Dominican models, contact me. The Dominican models are said to be university students from UASD university in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Models who agree to join the recovery effort are assured full anonymity and will receive an attractive part of any recovered funds. In particular, there is some information out there indicating that Meyerding was at times using underage girls and submitting fake or non-matching identification documents to the webcam sites he was working for. One of the major webcam sites reportedly closed Meyerding's account because of that. If you are such a girl (performing for Meyerding while under 18), the recovery effort needs you RIGHT NOW.

Let's help each other get our money back!

UPDATE: Someone wrote us that Mayerding bought a hotel in the Dominican Republic... and is now trying to unload it to an Ukrainian "cash" buyer!! What should we do to stop him from doing that? How do we seize the hotel? It belongs to investors and not to this THIEF!!

UPDATE: Someone else wrote us that Meyerding's NEW website is
The whois matches his name, but the contact on the site is Samad Payandeh in 6911 North West 87 Av. Suite A, 33178 Miami Florida, USA... probably a fake address? Or is Meyerding back in the US under a new name?
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Old 06-09-2005, 09:16 AM   #2
FeTiShLaDy should edit this
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sorry to hear that dude!

btw, welcome aboard.

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Old 06-18-2005, 05:42 PM   #3
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why wud u invest in a business if employs underage girls, something very fishy here
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Old 06-18-2005, 05:59 PM   #4
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Originally posted by elaine
why wud u invest in a business if employs underage girls, something very fishy here
this is your first post. you're right, something IS very fishy here.
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Old 06-20-2006, 11:58 PM   #5
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Last year I flew to the DR and I did meet Lutz Meyerding in person. There was a big Nazi flag in his living room and I was turned off not just by that but also by the unprofessional way he treated his girls. That evening we had dinner and he got drunk and admitted that he only worked with girls who would let him fuck them on a regular basis. I don't know if his girls were underage... he said they were all over 20 but some of them definitely looked younger.

In any case I gained the impression that he was a crook and that he would probably scam me if given the opportunity. I flew back home a few days earlier than planned, and of course I didn't invest with him. He kept pestering me for a few weeks until I told him to piss off.

Fortunately I found another investment in the DR that has done very well so my trip was an overall success.
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Old 06-21-2006, 12:06 AM   #6
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UPDATE: Someone wrote us that Mayerding bought a hotel in the Dominican Republic... and is now trying to unload it to an Ukrainian "cash" buyer!! What should we do to stop him from doing that? How do we seize the hotel? It belongs to investors and not to this THIEF!!
Yes, he did claim that he was the owner of a medium-sized hotel in Santo Domingo. However, I didn't visit the hotel nor did I see any ownership documents so I can't really tell if it's true.
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Old 06-21-2006, 09:01 AM   #7
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A link from Dominican Republic Forums

More dirt on Lutz here:

Here's a guestbook entry I found on

4 Sun June 11 2006 - 04:55:38
Name: Lutz Meyerding
Where are you from?: Santo Domingo
Homepage Name: Soltle
Homepage URL:
Reference: Just Surfed On It!
What did you think of my site?: It has lots of information
Comments: Love yur site, it has helped me learn more about mysealf, I did some bad things in the past like cheating my employees and I wanna repent. Help me. I'm a bit drunky tonite ai hope you don't mind. I must promote my site or I go under so come buy somethin.

Here is a thread where he even gives the name of his supposed hotel in Santo Domingo.

There's more... just Google Lutz Meyerding and see for yourself.

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Old 06-21-2006, 10:07 AM   #8
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I am getting tired of hearing of Lutz Meyerding - amazing that someone simply signs up for a membership here then their first post rather than.. hey everyone welcome me - is "I hate Lutz Meyerding"

Please understand and get the idea = we are not stupid and generally keep to ourselves to check any credentials of new people proposing business. If someone fell for his tricks and snake oil approach without checking the adult industry first for advice - then it is their own fault and chalk it up to business experience. No one running a company mainstream or adult should be tricked that quickly without checking references

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Old 06-25-2006, 05:07 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by TheLegacy
I am getting tired of hearing of Lutz Meyerding - amazing that someone simply signs up for a membership here then their first post rather than.. hey everyone welcome me - is "I hate Lutz Meyerding"

Please understand and get the idea = we are not stupid and generally keep to ourselves to check any credentials of new people proposing business. If someone fell for his tricks and snake oil approach without checking the adult industry first for advice - then it is their own fault and chalk it up to business experience. No one running a company mainstream or adult should be tricked that quickly without checking references
I am not amazed at all and am actually thankful. Scammers deserve to be outed as much as possible and thus save people from future financial trauma. Maybe they did do research but their research wasnt that good. People make mistakes man, not everyone is perfect.
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