06-26-2006, 10:23 AM
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New Family Puppy....
So our family got a new puppy, well sort of......
Our Husky Mookie pasted last Sept. Our family has had a dog since I was 7 years old. So this time has been a little sad without a pet. We heard about a ShiPoo that was abused along with the owner. The owners husband kicked her out of the house not before doing what damage he could to the dog, she then went to live with her son where the dog was yet again abused and their other dog would eat all his food.
We got him on Friday, he is really thin, his bones sick out, and you can feel where is was kicked and I rib did not heal properly.
The good news is that his personality has changed 1000% and he is happy, he ran around like a crazy person and I think he finally knows that he is loved....My eyes fill with tears as I write this for I can and never will understand how anyone can let this kind of behavior happen, nothing would make me happier than to treat the people that abused him the same way.
Here he is:

06-26-2006, 10:28 AM
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I can only admire people like you Gnat. Someone who is ready to give their love and a place in their home for an abused animal is, in my book, automatically a great person.
I am super happy for you and for that cutie pie who will have good life from now on and finally know what love feels like.
Thank DoG for people like you...
06-26-2006, 10:33 AM
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OMG what a cuttie! 
06-26-2006, 10:47 AM
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Well done Gnat...
Both of our dogs here are rescued too. Buddy from the SPCA and Tiki from a puppy mill where the conditions weren't horrible, but certainly borderline.
06-26-2006, 11:07 AM
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I have 2 rescue dogs as well. One of them came from a farm raid where 17 animals were taken and I think if memory serves me correctly 6 had to be put down because they were that bad off.
06-26-2006, 11:18 AM
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Thanks Sophie and thank you for the kind words, it was more my Mum than me, but we too are a family of rescuing animals.....
As for Buddy and Tiki, I automatically fell in love with them, I have no comprehension of even coming close to hurting an animal in any way, when I hear about it or see I like many of you I am sure just lose it....I am just happy the family was there to take him in, and how could you not looking at that face.
FB you have no idea how cute he is, he does the stangest things and makes you laff till you pee, makes me just want to go home more often....
06-26-2006, 11:30 AM
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I got Whippet at the pet store. I know... People say it encourages breeding farms, but in my little head, I gave this little puppy a great home to live in...
Astro's a rescue. I got him from the racetrack in Boston (Wonderland). He was done racing, he didn't bring in enough money, so I took him home.
06-26-2006, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Globule
I got Whippet at the pet store. I know... People say it encourages breeding farms, but in my little head, I gave this little puppy a great home to live in...
Astro's a rescue. I got him from the racetrack in Boston (Wonderland). He was done racing, he didn't bring in enough money, so I took him home.
Whippets are very cool dogs, I also love the Chinese Crest, but I am like you, don't want to support breeding farms either, if I could take them all I would we all have so much love to give and to get back 
06-27-2006, 05:24 AM
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He is a cutie Gnat, he is so adorable. And youre right he is 1000% happy 
06-27-2006, 10:47 AM
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Nice gnat. It's gonna turn out to be a great dog.
06-27-2006, 08:32 PM
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dog lovers unite!!! 
06-28-2006, 12:11 AM
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Gnat, great looking dog there (couldn't see pic from work, web filtering software) somebody needs to send you a box of Milk Bones for the guy.
You know what I hate is the movie dog star. I don't like that movies take a not popular breed and turn it into the must have item. There were Dalmatians all over the place a few years back. I haven't seen one in two years though. Did they just happen to die or did the owners realize that they are not the most tempermental dogs and just get rid of them? Almost the same with Pugs but not as bad. The Jack Russells are still running around but they are a pretty good breed. I even think I am starting to see the Chihuahuas start to disappear ....
Another thing, where I am originally from, people give away dogs mixed dogs and pure breeds go for $200 at most. Here in Chicago it costs a hundred to get a dog from the pound, and people sell (or try to sell) older dogs that they "can't have in their new place".
People are lame. I know it, the dogs know it. That's why the dogs like me.
Or else they like me cause they know I always got some treats on me (I work for a blind man one day a week that has a guide-dog).
06-28-2006, 03:00 AM
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What a cutie hairy pup...
06-28-2006, 06:06 AM
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06-28-2006, 11:17 AM
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Originally Posted by stonegatherer
Gnat, great looking dog there (couldn't see pic from work, web filtering software) somebody needs to send you a box of Milk Bones for the guy.
You know what I hate is the movie dog star. I don't like that movies take a not popular breed and turn it into the must have item. There were Dalmatians all over the place a few years back. I haven't seen one in two years though. Did they just happen to die or did the owners realize that they are not the most tempermental dogs and just get rid of them? Almost the same with Pugs but not as bad. The Jack Russells are still running around but they are a pretty good breed. I even think I am starting to see the Chihuahuas start to disappear ....
Another thing, where I am originally from, people give away dogs mixed dogs and pure breeds go for $200 at most. Here in Chicago it costs a hundred to get a dog from the pound, and people sell (or try to sell) older dogs that they "can't have in their new place".
People are lame. I know it, the dogs know it. That's why the dogs like me.
Or else they like me cause they know I always got some treats on me (I work for a blind man one day a week that has a guide-dog).
I agree, people will get what is popular instead of finding an animal that needs love, dont' get me wrong I love all Mutts and breeds, but I find that a mutt has a lot of personality, that's just me, but I also love watching Best In Show to see what kinds of poops are out there, but could never afford. The prices they charge for pure breed is just crazy meanwhile they are not the one that is taking care of them.....
06-28-2006, 11:44 AM
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wow! what a cutie...nice pic 
06-28-2006, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by gnat69
The prices they charge for pure breed is just crazy meanwhile they are not the one that is taking care of them.....
A lot of pure breds have problems due to inbreeding.
06-28-2006, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by stonegatherer
A lot of pure breds have problems due to inbreeding.
Your so correct....
06-28-2006, 05:01 PM
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what a cutie
06-28-2006, 06:22 PM
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Very cool Gnat! The puppy is adorable!
The best dog we ever had was a mutt that came from a farm. She was the runt of the litter and she was malnourished. The farmer could've cared less if the pups lived or died. My mom was driving with her friend one day and saw a sign on the road that said, "Free puppies", so they stopped to have a look. When my mom saw the runt, it broke her heart, so she brought the pup home. My dad was pissed because the last thing he wanted was a dog in the new house, but she eventually wormed her way into his heart. She quickly became one of the family.
I too am such a sucker for animals. I can't go in pet stores or to shelters. I feel bad because I can't adopt them all. When I see those rescue shows on TV, tears fill my eyes as well as piss me off that people can be just so cruel.
Stray animals always seem to find me too. I think they take one look at me and think, "Yeah... She's a sucker. If I just sit here and look sad and hungry, she'll take care of me." I just don't have the heart to ignore them or chase them away.
06-28-2006, 10:55 PM
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Awww, cutie little puppy. He sure is very lucky to have finally found a perfect shelter for him! I so admire people who rescue and rehabilitate stray doggies and cats because our family dog, Ace, died a few years ago and haven't got a new one yet. Take good care of him Gnat! 
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07-02-2006, 03:06 AM
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I love dogs, your puppy is too cute! 
07-02-2006, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by stonegatherer
A lot of pure breds have problems due to inbreeding.
But if you are looking for a cool looking dog, pure bred and extremely healthy with no possibility of inbreeding, save the life of a greyhound.
That's right... Greyhounds are extremely well controlled and it is virtually impossible to get a dog that is the result of inbreeding. There are "oups" litters, puppies from males and females who should not have gotten together, but even though they don't meet the DNA requirements for racing, they are still great dogs with a great line. Their families are "too close" to be accepted in racing but even then, their lines are very far apart, no inbreeding here.
In 2000, almost 20, 000 greyhounds were destroyed because they didn't have enough families for them. Now, is it world wide or just in the States, that statistics didn't say, but that's still a lot of dogs, perfectly healthy, good dogs, put to sleep just because they didn't make enough money anymore by racing.
Greyhounds make wonderful pets. They are sweet, funny, they love being pet, they will love you for giving them a nice home, away from the race track. They also attract a lot of attention as they aren't that common! They are sweet, sleek, gorgeous, and very graceful and no, they don't need more exercise than a regular dog. Actually, even though they love exercise, they will love a nice comfy couch just as much!
Sorry, I love them... I could go on and on about saving the life of a greyhound...

07-04-2006, 08:34 AM
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ahhhhhh What a big dog!
07-04-2006, 05:29 PM
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Greyhounds are good dogs. I know a couple people that dogs
that have retired from the track where my parents live.
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