Similar to Texas Chainsaw - I rented a movie about this Austrian family who refused Hitler's techniques of torture only to create their own form that was so hideous that the towns people joined forced with Hitlers army and drove them into the hills. Along the lines of Hitchcock - they used sound waves to reek havoc in the minds of their victims, turning the brains into mush from the inside... and like the family from Texas, they often invited their neighbors over only to make them apart of their sick and twisted games.
heres a picture of the cruel navy father who often scolded the children into submission to appease his need for high pitched - nails down chalk board whistle sounds.. hell he even uses a whistle to call them that bastard !!! The kids lived off of berrys from trees and dressed in cloths made from the used curtains the captain had in his house.
here is the evil bitch of a school mom (catholic nun and we all know how evil the church is). She is going military all over the kids asses making them do the bidding of singing notes that will guarantee to most horrible reaction in any listener within the town. The small village was so fearful of this lady and the kids that they often let them play - dance - bike peddle and do whatever around the streets without police involvement of disrupting traffic or business