Sony PSP Entertainment Pack!
Desktop Computer!

Intel Pentium D Dual Core System
Intel Pentium D 945 2 3.4GHZ CPU
NF4 SLI Chipset Mainboard
512MB PC5300 DDR2/ 667 Memory
160GB SATA-II Hard Drive
16x PCI-E 6200TC 256MB Video
Combo Drive (52x CDRW + 16x DVD)
7.1 Surround Sound System
How can I win?
Simply send traffic to any site on
November 3rd!
1 join wins you a DVD of your choice from!
5 joins wins you a Sony PSP Entertainment Pack!
10 joins wins you a desktop computer!
How do I claim my prize?
This is very important! You must contact">"]contact me within 2 weeks of this promotions ending to claim your prizes. If you fail to contact me by November 17th you're out of luck!
When you contact me please include in your email your
Traffic Gigolos account name and a list of the prizes you want. If you want DVDs make sure you tell me which ones you want. They must be on
Contact the Gigolos anytime!
If you have any questions please contact me.