Post something (picture, video, text, whatever...) that makes you feel it seems like yesterday.
It seems like yesterday that I was watching Nirvana and listening to their latest release. I can't believe it's been more than a dozen years since Kurt died.
there are so many things that leave me feeling like it was just yesterday...
I can still remember the day I heard abotu Kurt Cobain.. I was getting readyt o go out to a bar here in the T Dot... it was announced on CFNY the EDGE, I was so sullen after that, I drank a few too many in memory at the bar that night
oh man - so this is how mid-life crisis begins - pretty soon I'll be marrying a younger woman, getting a fast car and staring at porn and.. and.. oh. wait a min... never mind.
I am working on a deal with a company in cambridge that hopefully by the end of the year I can get a video game console just like the ones from the 70's (as seen above) with over 200 of the original games on it, complete with the coin slot for my basement/bar area. I already have a 9ft pool table, fully stocked bar, surround sound, 61" TV, fireplace and a few game counsols hooked up for fun... this would go great in the corner - I still want to get a airhockey or old fashioned hockey game for there too but shedevil isnt' liking that idea LOL time for battle I can see
You know, about 6 years ago a friend of mine did just that. He got himself a stand-up arcade version of Starcastle from the main amusements provider here in Montreal. It cost him about $400 total to have it put into like-new condition.
Can't do this anymore at that price. It's become somewhat popular so the prices have gone up considerably. Supply and demand.
One of the biggest things is Skinny Jeans, I remember wearing them and they were not skinny enough so you would take safety pins to take the bottoms in.
Then they have come back and I really didn't like them, but of course that is mostly what I wear now....