12-06-2002, 12:58 PM
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New Sega Games Announced for PS2, Xbox and GameCube!
New Sega Games Announced for PS2, Xbox and GameCube!
Here's the list of announced games so far, all of which are expected to release within 2003:
Space Harrier
Fantasy Zone
Phantasy Star
Golden Axe
Monaco GP
Alex Kidd's Miracle World
Gain Ground
Bonanza Brothers
Streets of Rage
Phantasy Star 2
Virtua Racing
Phantasy Star 4
Last Bronx
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12-06-2002, 01:00 PM
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goldern axe was pimp i loved that on my SEGA with them troll like things with the sacks you would beat the hell out of them at night and they would give you power 
12-06-2002, 01:09 PM
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back then, games were fun.
12-06-2002, 01:09 PM
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forgot to mention... games were challenging too.
12-06-2002, 01:15 PM
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Arcade style games rock, and Sega rocks at making the best arcade game. I can't wait.
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12-06-2002, 01:58 PM
Mister X
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Space Harrier was a fun little game on the Genesis. I'm kind of glad Sega finally gave up on the hardware biz.
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12-06-2002, 03:19 PM
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Originally posted by Mister X
Space Harrier was a fun little game on the Genesis. I'm kind of glad Sega finally gave up on the hardware biz.
The genesis? He he... Try the original arcade game back in 86, I think. It rocked. It was when all the 3D games come out, like After burner, out run, thunder blade, galaxy force, and space harrier. oh yeah, hang on, as well. They all rocked. Try getting a emul. on the net and play some of them, they were awesome. These new games are going to put those original arcades to shame... Sega rocks in this type of genre, they always have.
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12-07-2002, 09:31 AM
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WOW, Phantasy Star remakes, that's gonna ROCK !!! I can't wait to see what they look like. I just wish that they had Phantasy Star 3 in their list, that was my favorite of the series. Those other titles are gonna kick ass also. I'd love to see a new Golden Axe.
12-07-2002, 09:34 AM
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Originally posted by _ED
back then, games were fun.
I'll have to agree with ya. Today's games just aren't like they used to be. Sure, there's a game here and there that's fun today, but heck, back then, there were piles of games that I loved playing.
12-07-2002, 10:52 AM
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Quake 1 is still the shit. 
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12-07-2002, 11:47 AM
Mister X
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Quake one is okay. But have you tried Doom lately? I got the collectors edition with domm 1 and 2 and a couple of mods. It was like way lame. The textures are just so damn ugly and you have to play it on that tiny little screen. 
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12-07-2002, 01:11 PM
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I believe Doom was the most revolutionary game ever made. In comparison to what games were out at the time of a game's release, Doom was the game that was furthest advanced than any other game.
I still think the game rocks, the controls are just poor in comparison to today's games. Go get Doom Legacy which has taken Doom's source code and redid the game in 3D.
Serious Sam is the only game similar in arcade style to Doom, and it rocks. It would have been better if the enemies didnt spawn, though. I think a new version of Doom like the arcade style of the original would rock even more than serious sam.
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12-07-2002, 02:15 PM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Juge
I believe Doom was the most revolutionary game ever made. In comparison to what games were out at the time of a game's release, Doom was the game that was furthest advanced than any other game.
I still think the game rocks, the controls are just poor in comparison to today's games. Go get Doom Legacy which has taken Doom's source code and redid the game in 3D.
Serious Sam is the only game similar in arcade style to Doom, and it rocks. It would have been better if the enemies didnt spawn, though. I think a new version of Doom like the arcade style of the original would rock even more than serious sam.
I was seriously addicted to doom 1 and 2 when they first came out. The only thing I never liked was some of the stupid ways to enter the secret areas. Go stand in a particular spot and then run back fast... bahh. Return to Castle Wolfenstein I thought was pretty good. But unfortunately it doesn't have much replayabilty because the maps aren't random.
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12-07-2002, 03:12 PM
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When it comes to PC games, I think that Quake 2 used to kick ass. It's actually the first FPS that I played online, I was blown away. The music kicked ass, damn I should install it again and see if anyone is still playing it online, he he he.
It's funny though like with those Doom comments, I know what it's like. I'll sit here and think "Damn, I gotta play that game again" after years since I've played it last and once it's running, I think to myself "Damn, these graphics are lame", ha ha ha.
12-08-2002, 12:45 PM
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Yeah, I know what you're saying. The graphics are lame in comparison, but just like the old classic 2d shooters dont compare in graphics of todays games, the game play for some of the older games blow away what's available today. And doom is one of them. The only problem is that now 3D shooters have a set way to control characters, and everyone has forgotten how doom was controlled. That's WHY you have to get Doom Legacy so you can play the EXACT same Doom games as they were in just higher resolution with the same controls of today's games. This way you have a better comparison. The only thing that's missing is the polygon graphics for enemies. The game play still rocks. Try it, and see. The first thing you'll realize is that you run about 3x as fast as any current game today, and there's tons of more enemies (with the exception of serious sam)
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12-08-2002, 12:51 PM
Mister X
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I just might have to check out Doom Legacy. The tiny little screen you have to play it in to make it look decent is what really makes me disappointed with Doom now. I think the original game isn't even 640x480.
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12-08-2002, 01:35 PM
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Originally posted by Mister X
I just might have to check out Doom Legacy. The tiny little screen you have to play it in to make it look decent is what really makes me disappointed with Doom now. I think the original game isn't even 640x480.
Do you mean tiny as in resolution? Because it plays full screen, so if its tiny, buy a bigger monitor! ha ha 
The original game ran in ModeX which was 320x200 with 3 screens to animate on that enabled it to play at 35 fps max (it should have done 70 if they knew what they were doing), but most computers couldnt render that fast, anyway. The low-res mode was 160x200. That's what i always played it in, since frame rate was more important in arcade games than detail. Doom legacy uses its own renderer to render the exact doom levels in full 3d - so the resolution is whatever your monitor and graphics card can handle.
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12-09-2002, 01:52 AM
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man I loved the original alex kidd in miracle world on the sega mastersystem.... oh the 8th grade memories!
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12-09-2002, 02:43 AM
Mister X
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Originally posted by Juge
Do you mean tiny as in resolution? Because it plays full screen, so if its tiny, buy a bigger monitor! ha ha 
The original game ran in ModeX which was 320x200 with 3 screens to animate on that enabled it to play at 35 fps max (it should have done 70 if they knew what they were doing), but most computers couldnt render that fast, anyway. The low-res mode was 160x200. That's what i always played it in, since frame rate was more important in arcade games than detail. Doom legacy uses its own renderer to render the exact doom levels in full 3d - so the resolution is whatever your monitor and graphics card can handle.
Actually I mean that on my 17 inch monitor I have to shrink the game area way down so that it has half decent looking graphics. If I play it so the game area takes up the full screen I can barely tell what's going on.
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12-09-2002, 07:48 AM
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Originally posted by Mister X
Actually I mean that on my 17 inch monitor I have to shrink the game area way down so that it has half decent looking graphics. If I play it so the game area takes up the full screen I can barely tell what's going on.
But that's the same thing as playing the original on a 17" TV, which is probably smaller than what most people played it on. The only difference, really, is that the pixels are clearer, and the image isn't do blurred. If that bothers you, then you can get some emulators that run in windows, which uses directX to increase the screen size as it would to a movie, so the pixels look blurred as they would on a TV set (instead of staying as crisp blocks). But, for the most part, unless the game was attempting to blur two colors together via meshing them (i.e. blue and red checkerboard = purple), it looks the same to me, so I don't know what the problem is...  I'd prefer today's monitors than yesterday's TV sets.
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12-09-2002, 12:16 PM
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Way Cool... I remember playing several of those games. Actually makes me want to fire up one of my older puters and play some of the games mentioned.. You know, there's no need for emulators when you've got "The Real Thing".
12-09-2002, 02:56 PM
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Originally posted by alpha5th
Way Cool... I remember playing several of those games. Actually makes me want to fire up one of my older puters and play some of the games mentioned.. You know, there's no need for emulators when you've got "The Real Thing".
Hey, welcome to the board, Alpha! When you say "The Real Thing", do you mean you actually have the coin-ops? Ha ha. I am thinking of buying a few of the older Sega games mentioned above in coin op version, not the old consoles that failed at attempting to replicate them.
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12-09-2002, 03:55 PM
Mister X
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