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Old 04-24-2007, 08:34 AM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Live finales

We watched the finale of The Apprentice LA the other night, and it was one of those "live" finales.

Survivor has been also doing it that way since their 2nd season.
Big Brother does a live finale every year too.

I have to say, I can't stand that format. It's all so fake and fabricated. The studio audience is being coached by the on site directors to applaud and whoop it up at the right moments, which makes for a whole lot of false emotion due to the fact that people know that they are on a live television broadcast.

Even the actual participants in the show somehow change because there are a lot of people and cameras around them where before, it was simply "game-show as usual" so it takes away a lot of the feeling of the show that you tune in for in the first place.

I think they should completely do away with this "live" format. Not only for all the reasons I stated above, but also because it's just way too cheesy.

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Old 04-24-2007, 12:19 PM   #2
Gentz43 should edit this
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I live when it's sports cuz i watched the Tampa Bay coach go off on this reporter the other nite cuz CBC decided to let it go live and the things that came outta his mouth!! Lets just say their were parents on the west coast covering their childrens ears cuz they were watching the boradcast waiting for the Calgary - Detroit to start..Keep it live baby!
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Old 04-24-2007, 12:21 PM   #3
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honestly I dont even watch that show - I did the first one and found out from the final episode that it was all fake too. even the guy who offered donald the money to work.. the case was fake.

I like his personality and how he shows up on snl etc. but after rosie, I need some motivation now to watch him do anything

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Old 04-24-2007, 01:10 PM   #4
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the first season of The Apprentice was about as far as I could go with that show. Unlike Survivor, they just can't throw in enough new twists to make it interesting to me. The first 1-2 Survivor live finales were not bad. They made it fairly seamless so at first you questioned if they were still on the island or not. After that, everybody was in makeup and it took away from the show...

I think the problem is that they can create all the twists and turns they want during the show, but when it comes to the end, how many variations can there really be?

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Old 04-24-2007, 06:14 PM   #5
jackbdirty should edit this
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Gentz... I seen that too. That is a riot!. I love real stuff..and not the fabricated. It let's us see the real world stuff.

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