High Space & Bandwidth , is it true ? - X Nations
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Old 10-01-2007, 01:42 PM   #1
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Citizen X
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Default High Space & Bandwidth , is it true ?


I never tried big hosting providers like HostGator or BlueHost before , because simply I can't believe their high shared plans which give you huge amount of space and bandwidth

I'll take HostGator as example , they offer 50GB (space) + 200Gb(bandwidth) for first plan , ok if I used all that space will they suspend my account ??

it's really doesn't make sense let's assume my site eat like 100GB a month this means my account will be suspended for High CPU Usage , Right ?!! so all this fancy amount of space is nothing but a lie.

What you think about that , is it true plans or a lie to get customers ??
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