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Old 12-13-2002, 10:42 PM   #1
cram should edit this Edit
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Default webmasters plight

Can a webmaster be CI'ed by a law body? especially a striving adult gallery maker...

A couple of guys I know are now under investigation, they're from around... www is anyways worlwide. Funny actually, a neighbor found out that they're running porn sites from their apartment. No big deal, just gallery materials were there. All their software and hardware were now confiscated. The guys investigating them are kinda bloke headed, they might do time their family said. Lawyers in their country are dumb enough to know the internet law and adult entertainment.

I mean what we all do is basically marketing. All the proper laws are provided and are followed by most, if not all, adult entertainment companies. They say they can slap us with Possesion of 'Obcene Materials' but ma'an were not selling rape, child porno, gore, blood, terrorism, etc... We always have the 'Warning' before the entrance, and make sure to not sell to minors, and even make ways on preventing minors on accessing such materials.

Porn maybe bad, but to whose eyes is it? This is the adult world isn't? hope the law is adult enough to stand by their views.

Is there a body out there that adult webmasters worldwide can call on occasions like this? What can we do to educate the Law? We may be selling Adult materials but we are watchful and responsible enough on promoting it, aren't we?

Last edited by cram; 12-13-2002 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 12-14-2002, 02:15 AM   #2
Mister X
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Welcome aboard the X Cram! You raise some interesting points. There are several organizations that take an interest in that kind of case but urls escape me at the moment. It's late. Hopefully by the time I wake up in the morning somebody will have given you a couple pointers.
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Old 12-14-2002, 11:21 AM   #3
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Welcome to the board, cram.

I can't believe this shit when I hear stories like this. All it takes it some dumbass to report what they think you're doing for the FBI to come breaking down your door? Running on nothing but speculation?

I really have no idea what we have to protect ourselves from such isolence, but I would imagine someone would be hit with a defamation of character lawsuit if it happened to me.

What does everyone else think?
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Old 12-14-2002, 11:57 PM   #4
Evil Chris
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Welcome to xnations cram...

Maybe these dudes you're telling us about have fallen victim to their own local community standards or something. Most of my friends and relatives (and a few neighbours) know what I do, and they're all fine with it. They have no pre-conceived notion that I'm peddling porn to their kids. That would be ridiculous.

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Old 12-15-2002, 07:51 AM   #5
cram should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Welcome to xnations cram...

Maybe these dudes you're telling us about have fallen victim to their own local community standards or something. Most of my friends and relatives (and a few neighbours) know what I do, and they're all fine with it. They have no pre-conceived notion that I'm peddling porn to their kids. That would be ridiculous.

Partly, I could say that's for real. The case/complaint is now actually getting better. It took them a hell lot of explaining about adult webmaster biz is, and how its not actually a criminal act. Just glad it could be over soon, wishing here that all will be well in the end.

Last edited by cram; 12-15-2002 at 08:12 AM.
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Old 12-15-2002, 08:03 PM   #6
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hi cram,

welcome to the board.
what country is it that you are talking about?

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Old 12-15-2002, 09:05 PM   #7
cram should edit this Edit
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...rather keep the place anonymous for now, lets give those people back their privacies. I think I already had said enuff out of that thing!!! .

I learned a couple of fine stuffs from there on...
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