We've discussed favorite movies, scariest movies, etc. but what ONE scene was the biggest chiller for you?
For some reason the scene that gets me is in the Japanese version of The Eye
The "Who's in my chair?" scene
there's not even a music cue when this thing jumps out at you...and I'm usually not affected by things jumping out of nowhere...
Tough to say on this one since I'm not a huge fan of the horror genre.
Black Christmas is one that really had me with my head in a pillow when I was a kid.
Just something about that movie I still find scary. The original one, not the remake.
Scariest- That's easy. Jaws when the shark bites into Quint and the blood comes spewing from his mouth. That cene scarred me for life.
Creepiest- Saw II I think it was where the woman had to crawl around in those dirty needles. That just made me queasy.
Thing that made me jump the most was actually in a video game. Was playing the original Resident Evil in the pitch black of my room when I wa walkign downa hallway and the zombie dogs come crashing through the window out of nowhere. Loud as hell and scared ths shit out of me as I had NO idea it was coming. People talked about that scene for a while cause it always scared the crap out of people if they din't know it was coming.
Favorite gory scene in a movie. Resident Evil where they get all cut up by the laser.
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Two thumbs on on mentioning the RE games. I played RE 4 like a mad fiend. There were a lot of things in that game you don't expect that just seem to come from no where.
Scariest scene in a movie would probably be out of The Grudge. That scene where the girl is coming down the stairs...
It's so unnatural the way she's moving that it just creeps me right the hell out.
Anything that has really slow torture - saw this one where the guy had this website and he always found the woman's fear then used it against her - example cutting her with a knife. He would get them to beg to be killed, then use to say, "you asked me - therefore I am not murdering you - I am acting your wish".. then he cut a smile into her face and other things as surfers watched - she later began haunting
The ultimate for me was a Vincent Price movie called The Fall of the House of Usher. About a family that had a genic marker that once in their lifetime caused them to appear dead for a week. Knowing this a wife who was cheating never told the hospital and he was buried alive with a small window on the coffin - as he was being lowered in - you could see his eyes wake up but he couldn't speak. Freaked the hell out of me.
Pet Semetary where the little boys hand reaches out from under the bed with the scalpel and slices the guys ankle. The movie wasnt even that scary but that scene I had to cover my eyes.
Anything that has really slow torture - saw this one where the guy had this website and he always found the woman's fear then used it against her - example cutting her with a knife. He would get them to beg to be killed, then use to say, "you asked me - therefore I am not murdering you - I am acting your wish".. then he cut a smile into her face and other things as surfers watched - she later began haunting
The ultimate for me was a Vincent Price movie called The Fall of the House of Usher. About a family that had a genic marker that once in their lifetime caused them to appear dead for a week. Knowing this a wife who was cheating never told the hospital and he was buried alive with a small window on the coffin - as he was being lowered in - you could see his eyes wake up but he couldn't speak. Freaked the hell out of me.
That kind of sounds like that move Fearnet.com but I dont remember hauntings in it. Can you remember the name of the movie?
Two thumbs on on mentioning the RE games. I played RE 4 like a mad fiend. There were a lot of things in that game you don't expect that just seem to come from no where.
The Resident Evil games rock... they all have some great scare ya moment.
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But I had never seen Jurasic Park and caught it on TV one night when I was alone. I had turned out all of the lights, and was laying down on the floor (big fat shag carpet!) on my stomach with my feet up on the couch behind me. I had my head propped up with my hands. Some shit jumped out, scared the piss out of me, and boy, did I ever move!
The following day I still had nasty rug burns!
__________________ ROCHARD IS OMNIPRESENT Director of Products & Services | YNOT Skype rochardbuss
well this is really dating myself .. but there was a movie about bigfoot when I was a kid ..and long and short of it .. bigfoot smashes through the kitchen window and freaks out .... me a kid, living in the forest .. always being scared of bears and ol' bigfoot .. to this day i can see it clearly .. that and a hand crawling down the hall in the movie "Helter Skelter" I think .. I was just to young to be watching scary movies ..