12-23-2002, 05:36 PM
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free Wynona
Merry X-mas everyone..
Hope you all get some nifty new toys to play with :-)
best wishes
12-23-2002, 05:44 PM
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I should get Wynona to do the shopping for me.. *S* a grab bag, if you will.
Merry X-mas to you as well...I hope santa is naughty.. I mean good to you..*S*
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12-24-2002, 04:41 AM
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Re: free Wynona
Originally posted by ARiA
Merry X-mas everyone..
Hope you all get some nifty new toys to play with :-)
best wishes
Well, unfortunately you're not included....
Wish you all a great time!
12-24-2002, 07:56 AM
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"I should get Wynona to do the shopping for me.. *S* a grab bag, if you will. "
It's a sin to laugh at sick people
Merry and Safe Yule to you and yours!
12-24-2002, 09:25 AM
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What did WYNONA JUDD do ??????
I missed that one !!
Ms. Ryder is WINONA ... and is a very nice person who I have been in the same swimming pool with
Winona is good friends with a friend of mine ... went to school with her ... My friends Family has a summer retreat in Thunder Beach, near Penetanguishene, Ontario, and Winona decided to hang out for a couple days the summer after HEATHERS came out ... My friend Trish invited me and my GF out to the cottage for a swim and a BBQ, and we got to hang out with Winona ...
In her defense I will say that regardless of what happened at SAKS, she is one of the friendliest celebs (god I hate that term) I have ever met ... and she looked SMASHING in her UNLINED red string bikini with very erect nipples once she got wet ... but not that I noticed ... 
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12-24-2002, 02:35 PM
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She rocks.
.. and so does your new avatar Hungry 
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12-24-2002, 04:30 PM
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Originally posted by Darin
She rocks.
.. and so does your new avatar Hungry
thanks bro .... but the fun is going to start AFTER Christmas ...
stay tumed ....
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12-25-2002, 02:33 AM
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some items found on her:
1. liquid morphine sulphate (Edgar Allen Poe scene)
2. valium (houwsewife scene)
3. phenobarbital (Elvis scene)
4. librium (Lady Mischief scene)
and much more!!!!
that's pretty "hardcore"
here are some natural substitutes for above (not totally harmless though)
1. Kava Kava
2. Valerian (naturally source that those evil pharamcy guys copied)
3. THC and any other these other items
12-25-2002, 12:08 PM
Vid Vicious
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Wyona, Wynoa, Wyona .. THe perfect Gangbang girl .. Hee hee .. You bnever know she might be having trouble finding work after this ...
12-26-2002, 02:10 PM
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uh ehm *clearing my throat* WINONA (sp) 
is a very lovely lady..... 
12-26-2002, 02:23 PM
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I've liked her since Heathers.
12-26-2002, 03:12 PM
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Originally posted by ARiA
uh ehm *clearing my throat* WINONA (sp) 
is a very lovely lady.....
Never said she wasn't lovely lookin...
But I have to agree with Vid, she would be great in a multiple feature...
What do you do at AEBN by the way? Some guy there contacted me once about some bi clips, but the shoot was postponed until Jan.
12-26-2002, 03:13 PM
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I think the first movie I remember her in was Edward Scissorhands?
12-26-2002, 03:28 PM
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Edward scissorhands was a GREAT... sad movie
she was pretty as a blonde Oh and with long hair!
heqdvd, I'm not sure what we really do here... I'm in it for the free porn
LMAO!! just kidding  can you hit me up on ICQ 156371927
be more than happy to tell
12-26-2002, 03:32 PM
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well don't do that icq,
feel free to hit me up at webmaster@heq2002.com
[i'm on this little pda now, this board looks really strange!]
but your avatar is "aria amoroso"...
12-26-2002, 03:42 PM
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I wish I could see the board on my phone. When are you guys going to get a wap version so I can post while I'm driving??? Just what I need right? haha
12-26-2002, 04:01 PM
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Originally posted by ARiA
heqdvd, I'm not sure what we really do here... I'm in it for the free porn LMAO!! just kidding can you hit me up on ICQ 156371927
be more than happy to tell
Heqdvd, yeppa, she is more than happy to tell you and it's hard to resist her...
Btw, I had to choose between Aria and Winona it would be quite hard... Aria got this really teasing pic and Winona got a lot of money... hmmm....
12-26-2002, 04:43 PM
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Christmas Present Returns
Ahh the fun of taking back the presents that are just not for you. The joy of waiting in line and dealing with CSR's. Cant everyone just get each other Gift Cards with store credit.. it makes it so much easier for the recieving person. Yeah it doesn't have that from the heart feeling but it sure saves the headaches of tring to return shit that you just don't need.
12-26-2002, 05:01 PM
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Originally posted by heqdvd
well don't do that icq,
feel free to hit me up at webmaster@heq2002.com
[i'm on this little pda now, this board looks really strange!]
but your avatar is "aria amoroso"...
ok no problem..... we have thousands of full-length movies in all genres that we offer free to our webmasters in form of a pay-per-view upsell feature- Video On Demand. ex; http://template.aebn.net/index.cfm?tid=7606 we pay you commission, so basically you will get paid for adding more content to your site
We also offer video feeds that change monthly..
is there anything specific that you need?
I will drop you a line with some more detailed info 
12-26-2002, 05:06 PM
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Originally posted by ARiA
heqdvd, I'm not sure what we really do here... I'm in it for the free porn ...
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12-26-2002, 05:09 PM
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Re: Christmas Present Returns
Originally posted by UFOARA
Ahh the fun of taking back the presents that are just not for you. The joy of waiting in line and dealing with CSR's. Cant everyone just get each other Gift Cards with store credit.. it makes it so much easier for the recieving person. Yeah it doesn't have that from the heart feeling but it sure saves the headaches of tring to return shit that you just don't need.
I'll have to agree.. gift cards are DEFINATELY the way to go!
it sure made it alot easier on me to buy.. especially for the more difficult people on my list 
12-26-2002, 05:18 PM
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Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
ya like that huh? actually porn sucks!! (jk) but I USED to go home and watch disney movies untill I was right again ....USED to.. but I have to say that , HUNGRYMAN- you have single handedly ruined that experience.. you and your little mermaid story! SAY it aint so

12-28-2002, 04:35 AM
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I love you April 
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12-28-2002, 05:53 AM
United Porn Co
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Wynona, now thats a hot chic I would love to play with
What is a "Signature"?
12-28-2002, 05:54 AM
United Porn Co
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Originally posted by United Porn Co
Wynona, now thats a hot chic I would love to play with
Although I did read in a magazine a few weeks ago that she is a coke addict. Don't know how much truth is in that, but you never know with these celebrities, they are all fucked in the head
What is a "Signature"?
12-28-2002, 07:10 AM
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she looked SMASHING in her UNLINED red string bikini
Got any pics??
pretty please 
Unlkely to be Y3K compliant
12-28-2002, 11:31 AM
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Originally posted by ARiA
ya like that huh? actually porn sucks!! (jk) but I USED to go home and watch disney movies untill I was right again ....USED to.. but I have to say that , HUNGRYMAN- you have single handedly ruined that experience.. you and your little mermaid story! SAY it aint so
Anybody who has kids, or who has a copy of THE LITTLE MERMAID, put it in, fast forward to where Ariel gets married to the prince or whoever he is, and check out the package on the reverand !!!
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12-28-2002, 01:01 PM
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Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
Anybody who has kids, or who has a copy of THE LITTLE MERMAID, put it in, fast forward to where Ariel gets married to the prince or whoever he is, and check out the package on the reverand !!!
Now why would you be checking out the package on the reverand in a Disney flick? Any other strange fetishes you care to share?
Damn, now I have to go and find the movie and check it out, I am sure the kids have one around here somewhere! LMFAO
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01-01-2003, 10:01 PM
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Originally posted by -=HUNGRYMAN=-
Anybody who has kids, or who has a copy of THE LITTLE MERMAID, put it in, fast forward to where Ariel gets married to the prince or whoever he is, and check out the package on the reverand !!!
Yeah... there's a bit of "hidden" disney porn flashes in almost every major release...
A friend of mine had a site page where he posted stills from movies where the "flash" you for a sec (I mean give you a sexy pose for a few frames). It seems the animators get real bored and put them in inbtween frame 100,000 and 100,001!
(The ABC/Disney combo is nothing but bad though...)
01-02-2003, 10:57 AM
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