02-04-2010, 07:21 PM
Adam X
is Rockin Porn Valley
Citizen X
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Hollyhood
Posts: 34
xBucks: 5,310
XTV.COM Launches @High Noon 12pm PST Friday Feb5-Get Your Free Promo Channel ASAP!!
"The Tubekiller"
Now that's a bold statement. We're not trying to take down the tubes, but with the industry behind us we can get A LOT of your lost traffic back... Here's how.... http://xtv.com/signup.php - read up, join forms are 404 until noon friday.
* Free Promo Channel [ xtv.com/YourCompany or xtv.com/YourUsername ]
* Free Channel Ad Spot [ Post a hotlinked banner on your channel page ]
* Free Adult Traffic
* Upload Videos
* Upload Banners [ your banners on every video page ]
We're offering more control and promotional ability than regular tube sites.
Absolutely Free. Instant. No approvals or wait times. Upload banners, your logo, avatar, some videos, promo ads immediately.
Helping the adult industry get its traffic back.
We are determined to become the leading producer-friendly tube to offer free traffic for your sites. The site is new, and growing fast. Plus we're in talks for a major traffic deal.
While we provide the bulk traffic, feel free to post and promote your channel URL just about anywhere to show surfers your videos and help draw new traffic to your site(s). Even just 2 clicks a day, no problem. Obviously every link out there helps our PR and overall growth during early stages, and helps us help you. It really has been Hot-rodded custom modded to be better than any so-called Myspace of Porn.
Now don't go uploading every friggin video you have, space them out, one or a few per day is fine, you want front page spots on a regular basis right?
So... what's your XTV Channel? Get yours Friday the 5th @ Noon PST.
First Come First Served - Channels/Usernames will be taken soon if you don't get them now.
http://xtv.com use it.
Not a NOOF or Smartbucks product. But they've got plenty of other amazing monsters.
Adam X | Traffic/Advertising Sales & Support | email: adamx@juicyads.com | icq 9242684
JuicyAds - 2011 XBIZ Traffic Service Company of the Year
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AMPd.Me - Adam's Mobile Porn Directory