09-15-2010, 12:46 PM
should edit this
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 97
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FFN NEW TOOL: Customisable Button Banners!
FFN NEW TOOL: Customisable Button Banners!
We have been beta-testing a banner tool over at AdultFriendFinder.com for a little while now and we're ready to release it to the rest of our webmasters! As you may be used to with our FFN promo tools, this button banner is fully customisable and randomisable! It's so customisable that if you feel your traffic would respond better to different keywords, you can change the labels on the buttons to show to particular audiences and to link to different destination pages!

What Sites Have Button Banners?
You can find our Button Banner tool in the affiliate promo area for:
AdultFriendFinder.com (adult dating)
ALT.com (fetish dating)
OutPersonals.com (gay dating)
FriendFinder.com (PG dating)
GetItOn.com (AFF cobrand)
LesbianPersonals.com (lesbian dating)
Passion.com (Racy but not Xrated dating)
Get Me To The Banners!
You can find the linking codes for this NEW tool in our affiliate area. Just Log In and click "Promotional Tools" in the top menu bar. Choose "Banners and Promotional Tools." Or go here to see what I mean!

On the tools page, under "HTML Banners" you'll find a link for "Button Banners". Remember, the orange "C" means Customisable! Remember to click "Advanced Options" in the top right to show more detailed options.
1. Choose your banner settings. This means pick a pre-set size or set your own custom sizing. Advanced options include showing a logo, a join button, and selecting custom colours and language.
2. Choose your button style. You can randomize this option to display differently with each viewing, or you can pick text only or a button with various effects applied. Advanced options include genders shown, customised button labels, destination pages, targeted audiences, and selecting custom colours.
3. Add the code to the end of your BODY tag in your page's HTML!
4. Profit!

If you don't have an account with us yet, click here to get started!
If you already promote any of the AdultFriendFinder/Penthouse sites, then you can use that account to promote any of our other sites! We make it easy for you! :thumbsup
If you have any questions, please contact your affiliate manager or you can talk to any of our team:
Andrea at yahoo# monkeygunnagetchu
Sagi at icq #348950862
myself at icq# 8526983 yahoo# streamrayelli