Well, this have been a very good time for me and Patty, and we do hope that it has been one for everyone too. Of course, our main concern is that everyone did great business deals and if you had a great time to top it off, this is a bonus for us...
It was so nice to see you again (old friends) and meet you (the new ones). We really enjoyed the time we spent with you during the week end even if it was short for me on some occasions. I needed to be all over the place. I will try to not forget anyone (God I'm good at it, and hope you understand I can't thank everyone personally). If I do, I truly apologize
OK, in no particular order, here we go..
To start it out : Vlad, Adam, Rob and all
TOOMUCH MEDIA crew. John, Charlie, Montreal miss you BTW

Thank you very much for your continued support guys, you believed in us since DAY ONE and ALWAYS been behind us down the road. We love you guys from the bottom of our hearts... The Warm-Up party Thursday Night was Off the Hook and everybody went back to Hotel a bit ... tipsy
Adam from
PUSSYCASH Thanks for being the Registration Sponsor this year again. Hopefully, you and some PC crew members will be able to make it next year.
Ed from
SEXSEARCH. Thank you for the support, for stepping up for the Saturday Night Party, For being such a great host at your booth during Saturday Night Party, and for the so many other nice things that you did during the week-end, especially the dinner at the Gibby's. it is very very appreciated.. Nice to see you again!
Karl, Joel, Stinger, Nigel and everyone from
FAMEDOLLARS, Thank you for the continued support with the Seminars and Speed Networking... Thank you all for being such good friends.
Cathy, Kristi an Jakub from
SEGPAY. Thanks again guys for being the Bar sponsor this year again.
Harmik from
EPOCH. Thank you Harmik for the support. It was very nice to see you again guys, and we enjoy each and every time we see you! Give a BIIIG Kissie to Neda for Patty and I
Nick, Bastone and all the crew from
BRAZZERS. Thank you all also for the continued support with the Friday Night Party!
Mark, Tracy & Greg from
2MUCH Internet. Thank you for the very good job on the seminars... Thank you again for the continued support, everyone enjoyed the Quality Networking time provided from your Suite Cocktail Parties. Thank you also to Brooke, Xev, Ava and all other LCN Hotties who were there for the viewing pleasure of everyone... Thanks also to you GREG for the continued support and good publicity!
Mia from
MOBIUS PAYMENTS Thank you for the support and the Coffee Breaks! We hope you did good business and you enjoyed the week-end... Mia you did a fantastic job on the billing seminar... Can't wait to see ya again.
Peter from
NETCASH. Welcome in the QWEBEC Family. Thank you for the support!
Eric & all team from
WTSEU, Thanks for the support and for coming up to see us guys I hope you did TONS of new biz!
Vlad and Octav from
PAXUM. Thank you for the support, Hope we speak again soon.
Sarah and Justin from
NAUGHTY AMERICA. Thank you for the support, We hope you guys have a great time and did good Biz!
Axel, Nick & Jman from
ULUST, Thanks for putting the Gol Tournament together. Always a good time when you're around!
Julius and Sandy from
FUBAR, Thank you so much for all the good publicity and for capturing all the moments. Was so noce to have you here guys! Julius, next year I'll take better care with that bracelet
Lauren from
7VEILS. Thank you for visiting us and the great job on Marketing Seminar
Jo (KiwiGirl) from
KIWISOURCING. Thanks for visiting and the great job on New-Bees Seminar
Mike B from
PAYOUT MAGAZINE, Thank you for being there Mike, your energy will always be contagious!
Vince from
EMERCHATPAY. Thank you for being there, for the good company and also for the marvelous wine at Saturday's dinner
Lucie and all the team from
BLUELUSH. Thank you for the support, Glad you did great Biz
Rob from
NICHE PARTNERS, Thank you Rob for the continued support!
Tim from
ASACP, Thanks Tim for everything and the help on NewBees Seminars!
Mike Akerman (CARDS), Thank you Mike for being there and being a good ambassador!
Evan Back from
ASHLEY MADISON. Thank you for the very nice and appreciated Keynote Speech on Saturday!
Evil Chris from
X NATIONS. Thank you for the hel with Neil and Shaun's Legal Seminar
Mike Flirt and all the crew from
THE ART OF BLOW JOB. Thank you for the support. Nice seeing you again guys!
Max and Chris from
SABOOM. Welcome in the QWEBEC family, Thank you for the support!
Joe Carbonara from
FIRST GLOBAL BILLING. Thank you for the support, talk to you very soon
Rita and Johnny from
RITA DANIELS. Thank you for being there. We really enjoyed the time we had with you guys
Robert (FUZEBOX) from
FUZEBUCKS. Thank you for joining us this year. Next year, Stay home and send ZombieGirl! HAHA.. Naaah you both come together
ALSO some other close friends :
Monica from
Nancy from
Michael from
Cindy from
Lisa (Sweetums) from
Joe D from
Alex from
Vid Vicious from
KennyB from
Doug from
+++ ALL The 200+ attendees