Hello friends and foes

... love you all.
Since I accepted ICMs advertising business for Ynot Summit, I have remained friendly with Vaughn.
An opportunity came up to work with ICM and present dot XXX in Macau, and I accepted. I had less than two weeks to put everything together, trade models, costumes, giveaways, entertainers, etc. I literally booked a ticket to Hong Kong and left for the airport a few hours later.
Total of 11 different girls worked the three day event, in three different costumes, all a variation of blue. The Asians love their women with the innocent amateur look, and that is what I delivered. As some of you more well traveled people know, Chinese people dont smile much. To find 11 girls that did, and that had looks from other Asian countries took some vetting. The lollipop condoms (condom on a stick) were a major hit. 5000 pieces were given away.
So on to the pictures ...