Free rotator from and affiliate programs - X Nations
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Old 11-22-2012, 01:25 PM   #1
FC Support
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Default Free rotator from and affiliate programs

Dear webmasters,

Affiliate programs and present you a free rotator for your work with our content.

Its installation will take only a few minutes of your time. Without using the databases, the rotator works with photo and/or video FHG's. You can customize the configuration of thumbnails and the form of the blocks upon installation and easily change them in the course of your further work. The rotator automatically downloads new FHG's, adds them in rotation, performs analysis of the traffic and displays top thumbnails that correspond to your traffic, recalculates the popularity of thumbnails and displays the most topical ones. It works with any possible CJ scripts, is adjusted to SE traffic, uses long and short descriptions, and can also create Archive Pages.

In order to take use of our free utility, you need to sign up on and, log into the affiliate zone, choose Promo Materials ---> Micro Rotator and follow the instructions.

In thumbnails rotation you may use FHG's from the sites,,, both all at once, and from each site separately. You may also use different types of FHG - photo and/or video.

You may respond here with your remarks and suggestions. Please do not forget about the features of the rotator, it does not use databases, because we wanted to create as simple script as possible, which would be applicable to every hosting with php support, and which would be the most easy to run.

You may see an example of how the rotator works here:
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