Needed! Designer! Specs inside. - X Nations
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Old 01-20-2003, 08:53 PM   #1
PerfectionGirls should edit this
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Default Needed! Designer! Specs inside.

First off... look at my sites. I don't need flash or anything fancy at all. I need simple teen sites, laid out in nearly the same fashion as you seem most of them now. I dont need any extensive graphic work or anything other then what you see on the sites. For all I care... you can copy the html and add a couple things here and there and it wold work perfect for what we need.

This will be an ungoing project that has a large site element to it as well as serveral small elements. It would require weekly updating and members area construction

You need to be 100% reliable and I have to count on you to do exactly what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it. You would expect that of me so I will expect that of you. If you can not do that, then dont waste our time.

Once you have looked over our sites... send me an icq... It would be a huge benefit if you lived in Michigan, but it not.. please live in the states. All our instuctions will be given over the phone so that would just work better if you lived in the states.

As you can see I need someone that is ready to work and commited to seeing a project through in a timely manner. No part timers or guys building sites on there lunch break please. I will want to work on a salary basis also.

Serious inquiries only.

<param name=movie value=""><param name=quality value=high><embed src="" quality=high type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="120" height="60">

icq# 1763844083
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Old 01-20-2003, 10:50 PM   #2
Vid Vicious
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Hit me up on ICQ jeff .... 15594610
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