02-04-2003, 05:26 AM
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Change Your Lattitude!
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: In a Van down by the River
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The End Of Our Industry!!!!
now that I got your attention, take a moment please and let's hear what you did before you where a porn god! What made you get started in
"The Biz"
I was a commercial carpenter foreman, through summer, fall and dead of winter!! I used to freeze my nuts off swinging a hammer. I was in the best shape of my life first off. Second, I've never been hit on or gotten laid so much other then when i was bartending.
Chicks dig construction guys!!
Well, in the pursuit of the american dream, I bought a PC to start my own construction company. I signed up with Prodigy Online, stumbled on the web and the rest is perverbial history. That was back in 1996
If I knew then what I know now I'd be a very rich man!!
oh wait!! I am a very rich man!
Long Live Porn!!!

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tommorow.
Last edited by DragonKing; 02-04-2003 at 05:35 AM.
02-04-2003, 08:25 AM
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Everyone that got in the industry because of the money and being able to work at home raise your hand !
*raises hand*
02-04-2003, 09:31 AM
Evil Chris
is drinking Heineken
Clone of myself
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I was in the military for almost 15 years prior to going full time at this business in 1998. I started to become a usenet freak in late 1995. I still like to play with usenet sometimes, but only for fun. Some of my best friends are still in the army, but are getting out soon. Their 20 year pension is almost due! 
02-04-2003, 01:25 PM
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I worked in bars and manged strip clubs!
The job I had prior to this business was working in the legal department of a Union!!
ICQ - 127296286
sherie at macdaddybucks dot com
02-04-2003, 01:54 PM
is Travelling the
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I was working in human resources...Hiring and firing people 
02-04-2003, 02:01 PM
is beautiful
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Damn, where to start...
Call Center Director
Restaurant Owner
PC reseller store we manufactured our own pc's
I started porn doing content but was working for people that did not know what they where doing, venture was not the best ;-)
Now well i do what i do best and that's for me to know and you to find out ;-)
02-04-2003, 02:35 PM
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A Legend In My Own Mind
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Location: Between a rock and a hard place
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- Paid intern at CJMQ 88,9FM (and volunter production manager)
- Computer tech at a college
- Porn Mogul 
02-04-2003, 02:39 PM
is superfantastico!
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Musician 5 years...been a Bartender since I was old enough to pour in Quebec so 17 *S* GM of a Martini Bar....band manager, road manager...back to bartending then started to dabble in this in Spring of 99..
SO let's see here Music...booze...sex I'm home!!! 
I SALE Traffic!- Iphone/Mobile Traffic
- Banners/Text Links
- Pre-Paid Gallery Spots
steve a-t* gtsads dot com
02-04-2003, 09:38 PM
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Change Your Lattitude!
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: In a Van down by the River
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Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tommorow.
02-05-2003, 12:18 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Lost in Space
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Lemme see ... ten years in the Navy, five years as an office manager for an Anheuser-Busch subsidiary, sold medical products and carpet cleaning and janitorial services, worked in a machine shop, customer service work for Mastercard and on the merchant side of a Credit Card bank, did a stint as a Legal Assistant for a law firm, some consulting for Anheuser-Busch, Ralston, and a couple of other places ...
and now I'm a pornographer. Wouldn't mamma be proud.
<table border=2 bordercolor="MediumBlue" bgcolor="#ffff80" cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0><tr><td><font face="Verdana" size="2"><a href="http://www.boardscanner.com"><font color="#cc0000"><b>Boards Scanner</b></font></a><BR><a href="http://www.allofemtoyou.com"><font color="#006600"><b>All Of 'Em To You newsletter</b></font></a><BR><a href="http://www.contentgod.com"><font color="Purple"><b>Content God - The Ultimate CMS</b></font></a></td></tr></table>
02-05-2003, 01:00 AM
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Sold out and worked in a design firm in Boston
Sold out for more money went into corporate as an Art Director (big bank)
Took the package when they offered it
10 months playing and enjoying having money and not working
Sold out to a tech company for the BIG BUCKS!
Decided to chuck the job and be a gypsy
Now I'm back to the STARVING ARTIST
How did that happen,
I went in a circle
(OK not starving, but almost homeless)
<a href="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/">
<img src="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/images/banners/mayhembutton.jpg"</a>
MistressMayhem Studios
BlackLight Studios
02-05-2003, 03:21 AM
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worked as a carpet cleaner,
doctors office,
valet parking,
internet mainstream traffic,
online casino,
search engine placement &
now the adult biz.....
my Fave 
02-05-2003, 05:47 AM
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Change Your Lattitude!
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: In a Van down by the River
Posts: 170
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Your past would make an awesome mini series!!
I love the "staving Artist title! I bet thats when you had the
most fun!! Although being a gypsy with no money worries
isnt a bad gig either!

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no-one's watching.
Sing like no-one's listening.
Live like there's no tommorow.
02-05-2003, 10:28 AM
should edit this
Originally posted by Evil Chris
I was in the military for almost 15 years prior to going full time at this business in 1998. I started to become a usenet freak in late 1995. I still like to play with usenet sometimes, but only for fun. Some of my best friends are still in the army, but are getting out soon. Their 20 year pension is almost due!
He ate bugs.
Oh, and I was a pediatric nurse for five years before I started in porn. Before that...noneofyafuckinbizness... 
02-05-2003, 11:36 AM
is Travelling the
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Originally posted by Magick
He ate bugs.
LMAO!!!!! Is there someone who hasn't heard that...lol It's an on going joke here!
02-05-2003, 12:00 PM
Bobby Vicious
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Croupier , Radio Production, Stock Trader, Pornographer.......
02-05-2003, 03:05 PM
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Originally posted by DragonKing
Your past would make an awesome mini series!!
I love the "staving Artist title! I bet thats when you had the
most fun!! Although being a gypsy with no money worries
isnt a bad gig either!
College days and the days between jobs were hard. Not enough money, taking my portfolio around to all the studios for work. So far I think this next chapter in my life will be the best. It starts in June when for the first time in my whole life I will be on my own 
<a href="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/">
<img src="http://www.mistressmayhemstudios.com/images/banners/mayhembutton.jpg"</a>
MistressMayhem Studios
BlackLight Studios
02-06-2003, 11:39 AM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Jan 2003
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I worked as a Chemical Engeneer until I got acid polution. 
<a href='http://www.exxxt.com'><b><font size=+1 color=eeeeff>Exxxt.com</font></b></a> - List galleries on your TGP or MGP and get FREE traffic back!!!
02-06-2003, 07:01 PM
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Citizen X
Join Date: Nov 2002
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I was in High School... got into porn my senior year.
I'm sure there are plenty of other people that started here, too.
02-06-2003, 07:21 PM
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Originally posted by DragonKing
Your past would make an awesome mini series!!
I love the "staving Artist title! I bet thats when you had the
most fun!! Although being a gypsy with no money worries
isnt a bad gig either!
Yeah, very romantic, very hip.
But in fact, it sucks.
Been doing the gypsy techno-geek and starving jack-of-all-trade and it sucks.
Better be rich and healthy than poor and sick.
And you can trust me: my great great grand-father was a doctor...

02-06-2003, 07:28 PM
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Queen Bish
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I bet you were a bartender in a biker bar or a tittie bar weren't ya DK!
Before this..... i did all kinds of things, went to school several times for several different things, early childhood education, esthetics, recording arts management, bartending school, then the jobs......... day cares, salons, volunteering at venues for bands (cause even if they paid you it was fuck all), volunteering at some band's management offices (the ones who got paid got paid nothing there too! LOL), retail management, doing estetics at a salon, then asst manager, waitressed, bartender, promo manager, waitress again, bartender again, party promoter, volunteered at an AIDS organization helping out with fundraising and office duties, asst to marketing co-ordinator and THEN came the porn! WHEW! You're lucky i started my post when I was 19, from 14 to 19 i had twice as many jobs! rofl
I have to say it's all helped me in my serving webmasters in porn THAT's for sure! Working in bars taught me how to hold my booze (or drink as much as i can and still be able to stand) and day cares for my webmasters who need special care and babysitting.  All the volunteer work has helped me give endless referrals with no expectations of anything back, just to help out a newbie, or a biggie or a friend as a favor.
Though I've been burned many times, I still help out whoever however I can.
 I know i sound like an angel I'm far from it! lol But i try. 
Buy my shirts or I'll cut you!
02-08-2003, 02:20 PM
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I started the same time as you... As back in those days everyoe thought by putting up a site or program they'd be rich... tons of them failed and lost alot, lots made it and are still around today, others just made the grade and are still trying to figure it out and some made a killing.
Whatever the case, I give each and everyone of them a huge CoNgRaTs for sticking with something they love, and have become good at always willing to ride the learning curve that is neverending in this biz and be innovative in their creations setting new standards.
It's been almost 8 years and a fun ride it's been.. I totally look forward to the next 8.
Now to post something pertaining to the subject, I was a business owner, sold, retired and bought my 1st computer in 1993... I've done quite a few things since then none of which I enjoy more than the WWW
Great thread... should go at least 4 pages..
Keep on Rockin'
02-09-2003, 02:17 AM
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I am female, dammit! :)
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I wanted a web design job and nothing mainstream was available. I've learned more about marketing and design from porn than any mainstream dot.bomb company could have ever taught me.
Before that I bartended and waitressed, worked in music stores and a couple retail jobs.
- Jennifer
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02-09-2003, 08:17 AM
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I worked and slitt work as a securitygueard and bouncer at clubs.
I just do this as a hobby..a nice income but still just a hobby to be able to buy more stuff 
02-09-2003, 11:15 PM
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My Boyfriend Did ..... Look what kind of monster he created.... 
02-09-2003, 11:44 PM
Mister X
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FunB Fan Club Prez
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My first job was as a janitor and I did that a couple more times. Did a stint as a security guard and almost starved on the shitty wages. Spent almost 10 years working in the oil patch here in Alberta doing a whole shitload of different things. Spent a few years driving a truck for a living. Driving a gravel truck was ok cuz it was all local work and you got to go home to your own place every night. Highway hauling and paving crew work sucked cuz it seemed like I was NEVER home.
I don't miss doing any of them! 
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